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19-10-2011, 01:52 AM


What do folk think about this? 31 October is the "other" Walpurgis Night when Satan is worshipped, the original being on 30 April when Devil worshippers gather to pay homage.

'Tis just fun, is it not? No, I'm not superstitious, but I'm not sure that evil should be a fun kiddy thing.

I remember Hallowe'en as a child going to my granny's house where we'd bob for apples and other fun games, but I'm not sure that these old past times still exist.

Don't get me wrong, I used to love it as a kid, but it's becoming Americanised in this country now, which I don't like at all becoming commercialised. Nowadays you can buy costumes and all the paraphernalia, but we made up our own stuff.

A few years ago I answered a knock on the door by some kids in costume, accompanied by an adult, naturally. The little chap in front of me had a problem with his letter r and said to me: "Twick or tweet?" I could barely compose myself, but gave the kids some coppers and sweets.

It's NOT trick or treat in this country - it's Hallowe'en, and since when did we start having a Prom Night in this country as well.

No disrespect to our friends across the Pond.
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19-10-2011, 08:46 AM

Re: Hallowe'en

Mollie darlin' - we have our own customs and traditions which sadly are losing out to the 'Americanisation' of our country. As a kid Guy Fawkes night was celebrated in every garden up and down the country and every corner shop sold fireworks - 'bangers', catherine wheels, rockets, roman candles etc, etc. Sadly fireworks like these are now banned and not many kids celebrate or even know who Guy Fawkes was.
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19-10-2011, 09:47 AM

Re: Hallowe'en

I have to admit we do love halloween. We decorate the house each year, and the lead up to the day we start putting the lantens out and lit. We always gets lots of kids with their parents stood just out of sight to make sure they are alright.
I think we enjoy it more than the kids. I do dress up as well in my big black cape and hat.
Looking forward to it again this year.
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19-10-2011, 12:23 PM

Re: Hallowe'en

I remember when my children went around the neighbours' houses with our two golden retrievers, also dressed up Nowadays, I don't mind answering the door to little 'uns, accompanied by adults.

As for fireworks, I'm glad they're banned. The youth of today consider it 'fun' to cause terror and destruction with them. I cringe at the thought of reading more stories of animals that have been deliberately subjected to the use of fireworks.
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19-10-2011, 12:43 PM

Re: Hallowe'en

I'm not a lover of Hallowe'en and don't open the door after dark anyway, unless I know who it is.

My two grandchildren, 9 and 11, never bother with Hallowe'en either and my daughter would never allow or take them out knocking at other people's doors.

Over the last couple of decades this 'celebration' has increased while others have waned, mores the pity. I used to love listening to children carol singing at the run up to Christmas but unfortunately we don't see any of that anymore around our way.
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19-10-2011, 12:50 PM

Re: Hallowe'en

I have nothing whatsoever to do with it all. Im certainly no misery but I just dont like the spend spend spend of things. I dont open the door full stop. The kids can knock but I shan't be giving them anything... especially as they have ripped the pretty sticky numbers from all 3 of my wheely bins! That totally sealed their fate!!!
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19-10-2011, 12:57 PM

Re: Hallowe'en

Another misery here I don't like Halloween or people knocking on my doors in the dark evenings .

Neither do I like Guy Fawkes night . I used to in the days when fireworks were reasonably priced and limited to the visually exciting like Catherine wheels/star spreading rockets and sparklers.

Many of todays fireworks seem to have the explosive power of small bombs scaring not only pets and wildlife but this human too..
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19-10-2011, 02:27 PM

Re: Hallowe'en

Originally Posted by Meg ->
Another misery here I don't like Halloween or people knocking on my doors in the dark evenings .

Neither do I like Guy Fawkes night . I used to in the days when fireworks were reasonably priced and limited to the visually exciting like Catherine wheels/star spreading rockets and sparklers.

Many of todays fireworks seem to have the explosive power of small bombs scaring not only pets and wildlife but this human too..
You don' t have to be a misery to no approve of kids knocking on your door to beg for sweets. I won't have anything to do with this practice since I lived in New York. The kids there were advised not to twick nor tweet as evil wicked people were actually giving kids drugged sweets and poisoned candy.

My children were young in New York and a few friends got together and had a Halloween party with all the old time games of apple dunking and so on.

Don't get me started about fireworks some idiots have been letting them off for some weeks now they are celebrating birthdays with fireworks taking no consideration for pets who are afraid of the bangs.

There are some firework parties held in the towns and villages run by people who know what they are doing, I love the fire and the memory of baked tatoes and tommy soup.

I even dislike Christmas with all the commercialism. Argos and Curry's are telling me on tv that this is going to be the happies Christmas ever, I wonder how they know.
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19-10-2011, 02:52 PM

Re: Hallowe'en

I am another one who wont be opening the door, my kids used to go out when they were little with dad.

over the last few years we have had teenagers door knocking which i dont think is right anyway.
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19-10-2011, 04:01 PM

Re: Hallowe'en

I'm American so not going to comment on the Americanization of the UK practices; will say that I think it's gotten way out of hand on my side of the Pond. I never minded the little ones in costumes, but it's gotten that many of the trick-or-treaters are actually rather large louts, too old for it by far and rather scary. The last few years I just turned off my porch light and didn't answer the door. And of course now that I'm in the retirement center I won't be bothered at all!

I detest non-commercial use of fireworks; they should be banned! Too many people injured and far far too many animals terrorized!!
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