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16-10-2011, 05:07 PM

good days....and bad!!

What are you like on a 'good' day and how do things go when you are tired and irritable, a 'bad' day. I am peaceful and serene and see the funny side of things on my 'good' days but.........don't anyone cross me on a 'bad' one. It will be at their peril. Is it me or, on a 'bad' day does EVERYTHING seem to go wrong? Drop things, lose things, shout at the cats, hurt some part of the body accidently, Oh, the list goes on and on. I try the usual things, peace and calm, deep breathing etc. but I might as well write that day off and hope the next day is better.
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16-10-2011, 05:17 PM

Re: good days....and bad!!

Margaret I am sorry to hear you have bad days ....
I don't seem to have them anymore everything just floats over me these days.

There was a time when I had a lot of 'bad days' but I found they were actually making me physically ill so I took a step back and realised when I can't change something there is no point in stressing about it .

With this realisation came a kind of peace and contentment...
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16-10-2011, 05:38 PM

Re: good days....and bad!!

I can't say I have bad days either, tired days yes, but not bad days due to annoyance of any kind. I'm not the kind of person who will lose her temper, if something upsets me I will just ride it through.
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16-10-2011, 07:12 PM

Re: good days....and bad!!

Yes I have calmed down a lot since reaching my seventies,its to do with being tired and wont use the bit of energy in getting rattyI just say mmm you decide and let them get on with it.I have got a bit decadent in my old age as well and now watch Escape to the country in the afternoons followed by Flog it and Antiques road show.Never had the TV on before 6pm before.
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16-10-2011, 07:32 PM

Re: good days....and bad!!

I'm very much like the Ladies before me Margaret, I seemed to have mastered the odd bits of temper and I just stay calm, what's the use of fighting something when you know you can't do anything about it?, thankfully now the only things that bother me are sickness and death, either in the Family or with close friends, as far as I'm concerned, thats the only kind of real trouble that can happen to anyone, everything else blows over with time.
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16-10-2011, 07:51 PM

Re: good days....and bad!!

On good days I have bags of energy, nothing bothers me and my tolerance is on elastic.
On bad days when I do too much and get tired, have some worries, or if someone has upset me, I tend to withdraw and go off on my own for a while to sort myself out.
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16-10-2011, 08:36 PM

Re: good days....and bad!!

I must admit that "bad days" as you call them are very few and far between in my life, I don't want to sound smug but I haven't got the time to get ratty at anyone or anything, life is much too short and a decent sense of humour has always helped me over the years plus the fact that I have a very settled life and never set my sights too high, this I feel is essential to a peaceful existence.
I do admit that we are not all the same in our outlooks but I am most satisfied with my lot.
Keep smiling everyone!
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16-10-2011, 08:42 PM

Re: good days....and bad!!

I have one good week a month.

Week one- Pre-menstral week=not a good week
Week two- Menstral week= not a good week
Week three- Post-menstral week= not a good week
Week four- this is the good week!

Ok, I kid, ... or do I? I just turned 50 Oct. 1st and I feel old as crap sometimes. Most it's because I need to lose weight, and the other reason is I have a bit of anxiety. I have teenage kids too. When most of my friends have older children and grandkids or are on the side of almost being empty nesters, I still have a 15yr. old boy who is his mother (lol, OH BOY!) and a 19 yr. old daughter who butts heads with me alot!
However, I think all days are good days, ya know? Any day above ground! Just try to relax as much as you can and like the posts above me, try not to stress over the small things or the things we can't control. Also, I say some prayers to help me relax and focus on something else when I feel blue or just mad at the world. Try to think as positive as you can!
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17-10-2011, 12:44 AM

Re: good days....and bad!!

I think one the whole i have more good than bad days, i can relate to Marie when it come to that time of the month, i do tend to get a few bad days, and my OH and kids know not to wind me up

i am still 40 something but i hope as time goes by i will continue to have more good days
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17-10-2011, 07:30 AM

Re: good days....and bad!!

There are no such things as bad days

If you wake up it is a good day, if you dont then you will find out what Bad days are.

We take every day as it comes, moan a little over trivial things but in general every day is good.

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