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29-05-2019, 11:35 PM

When I was seriously ill in hospital

That was 3+years ago and it was touch and go if I came out upright or feet first. Yes I was really that bad and Sue apparently was warned, so she said much later on at home.

Even then I still had my strange sense of humour. Let me explain.

There I was in the hospital ward with tubes and pipes and monitors all over me and oxy. tube up my nose to help me breath.
One morning the curtains were drawn around me and in comes the big boss chief surgeon? type with assistants following in a line. Junior Dr's and nurses and ward sister. Must have been 9 or 10 of them at least.
I thought I must be very popular with the staff

As they gathered around the bed the boss in his bedside manner asked the usual question, stupid as it was

" Tell me ,How are you feeling today"

Well that set off my querky streak, so I replied.

" well I have already had 3 proposals of marriage this morning" says I. He look puzzled, so I continued

"yes and all from men"

Somehow I don't think he either didn't appreciate my humour or didn't want to smile in front of his juniors.

The rest of them just burst out laughing. Well at least that got rid of him and I never saw him in all the following weeks I was in there.

Well that is me, not my fault that querky streak even catches me out at times
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29-05-2019, 11:39 PM

Re: When I was seriously ill in hospital

What a thing to say!!!

Do you mind me asking what was wrong with you?
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29-05-2019, 11:42 PM

Re: When I was seriously ill in hospital

realspeed, Only the good, die young!
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30-05-2019, 12:00 AM

Re: When I was seriously ill in hospital


Way back at the beginning of that year I had one hell of a sharp pain from stomach to top of chest. Yes I thought heart attack, so no time to loose so Sue drove me to the hospital. Rushed thru A+E and checked over, not a heart attack so long story short I went home. they said Reflux was the cause

6 months later same again, this time ambulance hospital, in ward checked over sent home next day.

3 month even later on same again could not even get downstairs , crippled up on bedroom floor. This time ambulance crew managed somehow to get me into the ambulance and again rushed into hospital.

Full examination this time MRI and CAT scan the whole works. They discovered it was my Gall bladder and so bad it had poisoned my blood.

So even before they could operated they had to get my blood correct, hence the saline drips? maybe tranfusion I was too far gone to worry? and constant blood tests every 4 hours for about 4/5 weeks. not only the drips but heart rate -blood pressure etc etc. Looked more like a puppet on a string comes to mind with needles stuck into me

But this time I had gone from around 13 stone to at least half that weight if not more. forget about eating hospital food special very low fat diet out of tubs was all I was allowed

i could not even get out of the hospital bed to pee let alone sit up in the bed, they put a tube up my willie but i was that ill I could not care

Eventually they got my blood back to what it should be or near enough to operate to remove the gall bladder and gall stones.

The surgeon came and saw me later on when i was awake and said he had never seen a gall bladder so badly infected , lucky I pulled thru in his words.

So there you are Carol, if they had done this way back 9 months before !!!!!!

I have to say I do have a very stubborn side to me, such as determined to go cold turkey and gave up smoking way back in the 1970's. i honestly believe it is this stubborn streak that helped me pull through and not give in where my health is concerned at least
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30-05-2019, 12:15 AM

Re: When I was seriously ill in hospital

Gall bladder pain is excruciating. A pain I will never forget.

They took my stones out and when I woke they had left them in a test tube on my bedside cabinet! Urgh they were like brown fat balls size of marbles. Woman in next bed hers were rainbow multicoloured! Hers were all smashed up like crushed. Very wierd.

I wouldn't wish that pain on my worst enemy.

Glad you ok Real

By the way, I had major surgery, they said I had adhesions and couldn't do keyhole
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30-05-2019, 12:19 AM

Re: When I was seriously ill in hospital

yes not one of my best years of my life and I would not wish that pain on anyone. i didn't want to see what they had removed in the way of stones, I was too ill to worry

They did keyhole one me because I had lost so much weight they could do the surgery like that.

Of course now that strange querky streak strikes again.

I now tell people I pulled thru because I didn't want any other guy to be with Sue

One thing that did annoy me was as was getting better and able to get out of bed, a walking frame would have helped in the hospital. They said they didn't have one spare, yet they had used one to hold the ward door open
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30-05-2019, 12:35 AM

Re: When I was seriously ill in hospital

Again shortly after was the eye episode and hospital again for a stent to be inserted behind one eye, but that is another story
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30-05-2019, 03:38 AM

Re: When I was seriously ill in hospital

I can just imagine that surgeon's face, Realspeed. He probably thought you weren't satisfied with the other three candidates and he was to be the lucky recipient of a proposition. At least you didn't have to listen to any more mundane and obligatory questions.
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30-05-2019, 06:46 AM

Re: When I was seriously ill in hospital

My little touch of oddball humour after a heart attack was to get a Game of Thrones coffee mug with the words "Valar Morghulis" on it. Fans will know it means "All men must die".
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30-05-2019, 06:50 AM

Re: When I was seriously ill in hospital

Originally Posted by Tachyon ->
My little touch of oddball humour after a heart attack was to get a Game of Thrones coffee mug with the words "Valar Morghulis" on it. Fans will know it means "All men must die".
Imagine if the tea ladies in hospitals and care homes served their mugs of coffee in those!
Sledgehammer wit rules ok!

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