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Lion Queen
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10-08-2018, 10:01 PM

Why not comfortable in their own skin?

I see so many young people these days looking to change just about everything about themselves by surgery and photo filters, the filters being pointless because the photo they share on social media doesn't even look like them.

Face lifts have been around for a good while but these days they seem to want fat trout pout lips, fat arses, football size boobs, facecheek implants and more.

Why do you think so many people are unhappy with their lot that was given? I can understand people wanting a nose job if they have an unusually large or bent nose but the rest I don't really understand. To me fat backsides on the Kardashians look awful and the lips can look ridiculous yet more and more young people especially women are going out and getting them done.

Don't get me wrong, I can't say I wouldn't resort to some cosmetic work in the future as I wouldn't mind my teeth straightening. I don't need any bum implants because I have more than my fair share as it is.

I do wish these people such as the Kardashians would be role models in a better sense such as showing how good it is to love yourself and be happy in your own skin.

I look forward to your imput.
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10-08-2018, 10:13 PM

Re: Why not comfortable in their own skin?

Originally Posted by Lion Queen ->

I do wish these people such as the Kardashians would be role models in a better sense such as showing how good it is to love yourself and be happy in your own skin.

Agree 100%.

I daren't say anymore or I'll be here all night ranting.
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10-08-2018, 10:16 PM

Re: Why not comfortable in their own skin?

Folks should just cherish the ability to walk, many can't.
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10-08-2018, 10:17 PM

Re: Why not comfortable in their own skin?

Agree too. Good post, Lion Queen

I understand if perhaps they have had a disfigurement at birth and have had to live with it, or perhaps they have had a horrible accident such as burns etc.

But in general it's probably those who look up to role models in magazines that are unhappy with their own bodies in some way that get this done. Plastic surgeons earn a fortune and often they make things even worse for the individual. But who's fault's that?
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10-08-2018, 10:28 PM

Re: Why not comfortable in their own skin?

Katie ex Jordan is one that I think of. She looked amazing to start with. I don't understand why she changed at all.

Please don't have your teeth straightened LQ. You look fabulous and there are risks with any procedure.
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10-08-2018, 10:45 PM

Re: Why not comfortable in their own skin?

Originally Posted by AnnieS ->

Please don't have your teeth straightened LQ. You look fabulous and there are risks with any procedure.
Tell that to the thousands of children/teenagers currently wearing teeth braces so they have nice straight teeth!!
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10-08-2018, 10:46 PM

Re: Why not comfortable in their own skin?

Cast your mind back to when you were a teenager - how comfortable were you in your own skin?

I remember feeling pretty inferior to my peer group and wishing I looked like the people whose image I admired.

I wished I had dark, straight hair, instead of fair hair with a natural kink and curl. I wanted bigger boobs, smaller hips. I wanted sexy dark brown eyes instead of naive-looking blue eyes and I hated my fair "Danish" complexion, rosy cheeks and the white-verging-on-purple-goosebumpy skin that never got suntanned.

Back then, I couldn't change any of those things, even if I could have afforded to and, as I matured and gained self-confidence, I grew out of those youthful anxieties.

So, I can understand why young people want to make the changes you describe but I believe the best remedy is to help youngsters to develop enough self confidence to leave all those self-defeating anxieties behind and help them to love and value themselves exactly as they are.

I feel very angry with the cosmetic surgeons who agree to perform totally unnecessary procedures on young people - and the "celebrity" role models you mention are equally responsible for creating this "impossible image" that youngsters aspire to.
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10-08-2018, 10:51 PM

Re: Why not comfortable in their own skin?

Originally Posted by carol ->
Tell that to the thousands of children/teenagers currently wearing teeth braces so they have nice straight teeth!!
I believe it's less risky when you are a child, but I think these procedures are over sold to adults, just like bleaching. As I understand it you have to wear a retainer for life. They can also go wobbly in rare cases. Best to try to be happy with what you have.
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10-08-2018, 10:54 PM

Re: Why not comfortable in their own skin?

Originally Posted by Boot ->
I feel very angry with the cosmetic surgeons who agree to perform totally unnecessary procedures on young people - and the "celebrity" role models you mention are equally responsible for creating this "impossible image" that youngsters aspire to.
I get annoyed when I see young people mutilating themselves with ear hoops (the ones that stretch the earlobe) or slicing their tongues in half.
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10-08-2018, 10:59 PM

Re: Why not comfortable in their own skin?

I don't know it is all very disturbing. I have never wanted to change a thing.
I could think of far better ways to spend my money.
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