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08-11-2017, 09:41 PM

Observational driving...

Unusual road rage or being cut up. Must have been the sunshine. Just a few chuckles I thought I'd share

Picture this - 3 lanes - containing 3 or 4 cars ahead of me in each lane. At the front of the outside lane was a motorcyclist.

Before the lights changed, he had reversed around the cars at the back of him , drove around the back of middle lane and nearside lane, then up to the front of the nearside lane where there was a puddle by the kerb. He then drove forward into the puddle, reversed out of the puddle and went back to his original position at the front of the outside lane. What was that all about?!


The local A road has an electronic sign usually with useful info about roads into the city centre to watch out for. Today, it said:

'Always keep your eyes on the road, it likes your attention'. I thought that rather witty


Another set of lights, behind me was a lady who looked like she was doing a Wallace and Grommit gurn whilst doing the nodding dog movement of someone who was probably singing along to music. Hilarious


Drove past a church with a large poster saying... 'Come and rap with God'.
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09-11-2017, 12:28 AM

Re: Observational driving...

@ Pesta
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09-11-2017, 07:02 AM

Re: Observational driving...

What great anecdotes!

On the way to Kansas I saw a woman in a passenger seat of her car changing her clothes. She was down to very basic and revealing underwear by the time I passed her. Ugh.

We saw a truck that was completely covered in bumper stickers. The best one read, "I love the first amendment" (freedom of speech).

A high speed motocycle passed me incredibly loudly and a good 25-30 miles over the speed limit. Five miles down the road, I passed him as he had been pulled over by the highway patrol.

Pulling onto the onramp of the highway after refueling, a car just ahead of us had a coffee cup on top. It was no longer there by the time I tried to signal the driver.

Eighteen wheel trucks were incredibly good drivers and cooperative everywhere.
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09-11-2017, 10:20 AM

Re: Observational driving...

I recently saw a large van with two occupants. When it got closer I realised the passenger was a skeleton. I would have been worried if it had been driving.

LHD cars often catch me out at first glance. One yesterday appeared to be driven by a kid of about eight.
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09-11-2017, 11:08 AM

Re: Observational driving...

Coming home last night I thought I saw a dog driving a car, it only occured to it might be a left hand drive after I'd lost sight of it.

Cyclist so busy looking at his gears he missed traffic had stopped and ran right into back of the bus, bus driver got out and couldn't stop laughing at him.

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