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27-09-2017, 01:56 AM

Annual mileage?

Just a question from over the pond - - -for those of you with cars, what is the average annual mileage that you accrue? Is there an auto accident insurance industry average that they base their rates on?

Here it's about 15,000 miles per year, and for older folks under 10,000. At less than 7500 a year you may be eligible for a reduced rate.
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27-09-2017, 03:53 AM

Re: Annual mileage?

Originally Posted by DaveA ->
Just a question from over the pond - - -for those of you with cars, what is the average annual mileage that you accrue? Is there an auto accident insurance industry average that they base their rates on?
You didn't say whether you meant the big pond or the little pond.

I travel about 25,000km a year, my car was originally insured for less than 15000km pa but when I told them I do more than that they increased my comprehensive insurance by about $4 a year so distance seems to mean bugger all.

I probably do less than others because I walk to the shops, I use the train and buses a lot because they only cost me $2.50 a day and really only use my car for holidays. Earlier this year I drove nearly 17000km circumnavigating the country.
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27-09-2017, 09:12 AM

Re: Annual mileage?

about the same here but they base it one how much they can screw you for. it does't pay to stay with the same company each year . the first year they try and hook you with good deals,renewal time and the cost goes sky high in comparison.

typed with one hand and a dog on lap
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27-09-2017, 10:19 AM

Re: Annual mileage?

I only came on here because I thought the title meant how far did you run/walk last year......I managed 981 miles of running last year........I walked about the same but I don't keep records for walking.

And why does Bruce always talk in Kilometres, I have to keep converting them to miles to understand his point. You would have thought that Australia (once part of the British Empire) would be using 'Imperial' measurements?....

But now I understand the question. The average annual mileage for a vehicle would be around 10,000 if you were buying a vehicle. This would be representative of the average working bloke driving to work with perhaps a couple of driving holidays per year. My insurance company reckon that if I do less than 8000 miles a year I am due for some discount on my premium...
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27-09-2017, 10:31 AM

Re: Annual mileage?

I think the average for the UK is based on 12,000 miles at least you can insure for less than 12,00 miles per year or more than 12.000.

When I worked full time, I was up to about up to that but since moving my mileage has dropped considerably.
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27-09-2017, 11:15 AM

Re: Annual mileage?

I only drive about 8000 miles a year but Steven does many more. Nathan is adding to mind this year too.
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27-09-2017, 11:44 AM

Re: Annual mileage?

I only do about 5,000.

I probably do a bit more really, because when I get lost it must put a few more miles on the clock than it should have done.
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27-09-2017, 02:00 PM

Re: Annual mileage?

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
And why does Bruce always talk in Kilometres, I have to keep converting them to miles to understand his point. You would have thought that Australia (once part of the British Empire) would be using 'Imperial' measurements?....
When we went metric we did it properly.

When metric came in nearly all the signs changed overnight (rather like when Britain changed to Natural Gas) all temperatures were referred to in °C only, all weights in gms and Kg, all measurements in mm etc. The import of rulers with imperial measurements were banned (since lifted). So easy.

None of this half baked lbs and pints mixed with kg and litres and miles.

We did it once and we did it right.

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27-09-2017, 02:05 PM

Re: Annual mileage?

Bruce, how does that work with driving speed though?

Is your car speedo marked in kilometres instead of MPH?
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27-09-2017, 02:10 PM

Re: Annual mileage?

We sold a car on Monday that we bought new 12 years ago. It had 36,280 miles on the clock.
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