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01-04-2017, 05:22 PM

Would you pay ?

I like to read the Guardian online ( it's free at the moment ) but it no longer has a have our say section this has been replaced by Opiniones and they only allow opinions on some subjects . The more contraversial Israel , immigration etc are closed to comment.
Now the Guardian is asking for supporters and donations
At £5 a month.
It's not much but I don't agree with much of what the Guardian says but it does offer a balanced to the rest.
Would you pay for the Guardian ?
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01-04-2017, 05:26 PM

Re: Would you pay ?

No plenty places out there to have my say.
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01-04-2017, 05:28 PM

Re: Would you pay ?

It is however the Manchester Guardian a liberal left wing paper .
There aren't many of them about and it's sinking .
Don't you think we need papers from both right and left to give a balance ?
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01-04-2017, 05:56 PM

Re: Would you pay ?

I'd pay not to have to read it....
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01-04-2017, 09:21 PM

Re: Would you pay ?

I wouldn't pay to read any paper Muddy. Most of them I wouldn't read if they paid me.
Most of the things you read are taken out of perspective and sensationalised, and depending who wrote the piece, and who owns the paper, will bias it to suit their own ends.

Another reason that I very rarely read papers online, is because if I click on a headline it takes so long to load [In fact most of them never actually finish loading] and they slow my netbook down until I X out and re connect to the internet. They download so much rubbish that you don't want or need and unless you have an up to date machine you've no chance.
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01-04-2017, 10:38 PM

Re: Would you pay ?

I don't buy newspapers apart from the local one now and then.
The local garage gives away free Telegraph papers now and then, it's just right for lining the cats' litter tray.
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01-04-2017, 10:43 PM

Re: Would you pay ?

I buy The Times on Sunday and if I do my shopping at Waitrose I get a free one .
I like hold a paper and read in in the traditional way as opposed to online .
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01-04-2017, 10:46 PM

Re: Would you pay ?

It depends how much you feel its worth that balanced view you know what they say use it or lose it. Newspapers have to make a profit and they have lost their newspaper sales revenue to the internet. They may have good internet readership figures but that doesn't always impress advertisers, If they are asking for contributions the likelihood is they are struggling.
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01-04-2017, 10:57 PM

Re: Would you pay ?

No i would rather buy the paper than read an on-line one, at least it's easier to look back on if they is anything you miss as your not on an off the computer searching when you can pick up the paper, and to pay a fiver on-line no thanks....
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01-04-2017, 11:18 PM

Re: Would you pay ?

Buy a news paper, not a chance.
Quite often we eat at the Blue and White Cafe on the A20 near Ashford Kent, (great food). They always have papers to read and I'm amazed at what distorted rubbish they contain.
Apart from that I simply don't understand how people have the time to buy and then sit down and read 'em knowing most of the stories are either untrue or just gossip. On the other hand they are good at repeating what we already know.
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