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28-12-2016, 12:32 AM

Disgusting Carer

From time to time we hear stories about bad Care workers, like ones who are abuse the very people they are supposed to be looking after, well I saw this in the paper a day or two ago:

"A carer who urinated in an elderly couple's tea cups before they used them has been jailed for eight months.
Joshua Scarth, of Wakefield, West Yorks, was caught on a camera that was fitted after £900 vanished from the couple's home in the city. He was filmed taking more cash.
At Leeds Crown Court, Scarth, 25, admitted theft."

What is the matter with these people. What a vile, disgusting excuse for a man he is.
Can you imagine how you'd feel if you filmed someone treating your parents like that.
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28-12-2016, 08:05 AM

Re: Disgusting Carer

He ought to be horse whipped. He won't even do the eight months probably 2 or 3 soft this country is far to soft. Get some backbone.
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28-12-2016, 08:10 AM

Re: Disgusting Carer

Let's hope he's on a wing with a few of our more hardened old school cons.
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28-12-2016, 09:03 AM

Re: Disgusting Carer

He should be "Bobbeted" !
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28-12-2016, 09:48 AM

Re: Disgusting Carer

Originally Posted by Mups ->
From time to time we hear stories about bad Care workers, like ones who are abuse the very people they are supposed to be looking after, well I saw this in the paper a day or two ago:

"A carer who urinated in an elderly couple's tea cups before they used them has been jailed for eight months.
Joshua Scarth, of Wakefield, West Yorks, was caught on a camera that was fitted after £900 vanished from the couple's home in the city. He was filmed taking more cash.
At Leeds Crown Court, Scarth, 25, admitted theft."

What is the matter with these people. What a vile, disgusting excuse for a man he is.
Can you imagine how you'd feel if you filmed someone treating your parents like that.
There is no excuse for that sort of behaviour, why become a care worker if you dislike the job? Many elderly people are not easy to look after and I for one would never want to work with them. No way in a million years would I have cared for my mother when she was old. We found her a good home where she had excellent care, but we felt sorry for her carers, the old bat wasn't any easy person to look after.
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28-12-2016, 09:54 AM

Re: Disgusting Carer

8 that what they call justice? He won´t be in prison for 8 months, probably not even 4 months. It´s an absolute joke.
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28-12-2016, 10:35 AM

Re: Disgusting Carer

What a sorry excuse for a human being....he's just scum/pondlife..trouble is people that do things like this need to be made an example of and given very harsh punishments to deter others from thinking they can do and get away with similar disgusting acts.!
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28-12-2016, 10:39 AM

Re: Disgusting Carer

Originally Posted by tarantula ->
There is no excuse for that sort of behaviour, why become a care worker if you dislike the job? Many elderly people are not easy to look after and I for one would never want to work with them. No way in a million years would I have cared for my mother when she was old. We found her a good home where she had excellent care, but we felt sorry for her carers, the old bat wasn't any easy person to look after.

I wasn't asking how difficult some elderly people were though Tarantula, and no matter what they were like, it still doesn't entitle him to steal their money or pee in their cups!
Far better to just not to that sort of work if you can't cope with it. Disgusting man.
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28-12-2016, 11:46 AM

Re: Disgusting Carer

Terrible man I am not surprised though some in care really shouldn't be there, friend of ours has the job of training new carers in one of the local larger care homes, men and women sent to her by the job centre, they don't want the job but need the job. They no more care for anyone than they could fly to the moon but if they don't take the job they get no money.

She can't turn away anyone she doesn't have that power, just has to work with who turns up they are so short staffed they take anyone.

One thing she has learned is don't judge anyone on first day some who convince her they are Saint like and caring turn out to secretly be the nastiest, some who have tattoos and look rough turn out to be the most kind caring people who want nothing more than to help the people in their care.

But few months later all are over worked, doing crazy hours, and then no matter how caring they are because wages are so low doing so many hours they make mistakes. No matter how caring a person is if they are not given better conditions of work it becomes a nightmare.

I don't believe the home she works in is unique in any way.
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28-12-2016, 11:49 AM

Re: Disgusting Carer

Originally Posted by Mups ->
I wasn't asking how difficult some elderly people were though Tarantula, and no matter what they were like, it still doesn't entitle him to steal their money or pee in their cups!
Far better to just not to that sort of work if you can't cope with it. Disgusting man.
Exactly what said!
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