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25-09-2016, 10:48 PM

Fende Bender

Have you ever been involved in an accident?

In 98 I was travelling from Malaga Airport to Marbella on the old N340 coast road.
As I approached a roundabout just outside Fuengirola I was hit from behind by a Lotus, this went under my car, wedging itself, in turn the Lotus was hit by a van.
This resulted in my car being thrown into the middle of the roundabout and onto its roof.

Luckily no one was hurt, apart from minor bruising and aches for a few days I was very, very lucky as I didn't usually wear a seatbelt but was on this occasion.

Also my kids(7 & 4) had flown out the week before with their mum, otherwise they'd have been in the car with me.

The accident was at 0530hrs and the Lotus driver was found to be 3 times over the alcohol limit.

He'd been speeding in the outside lane, braked too late and swerved into my lane between me and the van, this robbed the van of his braking space which caused him to run into the back of the Lotus.
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26-09-2016, 07:41 AM

Re: Fende Bender

Back in the 90's a white van came too fast around a roundabout, couldn't straighten up and ended up crossing the central reservation right across my path. I had no time to stop but did manage to steer my car so that I hit it straight on rather than at an angle. Apparently one of my neighbours told me later that my accident had been mentioned on the traffic news.
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26-09-2016, 07:43 AM

Re: Fende Bender

That was a close one T'pin.
I have been fortunate in having a clear record during my driving career. I had to give up driving 10 years ago for health reasons.
Now, my wife drives everywhere ,too fast I think especially around corners. The only accidents are occasional skids.Mine.
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26-09-2016, 08:33 AM

Re: Fende Bender

I've had quite a few bumps & bangs but thankfully never been hurt or caused any hurt to anybody else.
(touch wood)
Once I ran into the back of a Land-rover when it stopped at the lights. I had briefly taken my eye off the road to look at something and it all happened in a split second. The car bonnet folded up like a concertina but nobody was hurt.
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26-09-2016, 08:46 AM

Re: Fende Bender

No 1 when I was 16 having a driving lesson in Wigan (my second) I clipped a coal lorry in my bosses car . The car was a bit of a mess but no one was injured.
My boss was in Mexico judging at the time and I had to wait a week to tell her about the car and that her favourite dog had died.

No 2 was rather suspicious, I was reversing out of a space in a car park in Worcester and a car leaving the car park came right up behind me and she claimed I clipped her headlight. No damage was done to my car. We exchanged details and she got in the car and drove away. Later the woman who came from Gloucester claimed it had been my fault and produced a witness which was rather odd considering she was alone in the car and drove away without speaking to anyone.

I was very cross, who drives down the middle of a car park into a car which is reversing out of a space. Because there was a witness my insurance company paid up.
I wondered if the car had already been damaged previously and I was being used to pay for the repair . There was no glass around and as the person drove off very quickly no time to examine her car.
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26-09-2016, 09:01 AM

Re: Fende Bender

Ii had a little peugot 104 slide across a narrow lane on a bend on ice and pushed my lexus RX300 SE-L backwards and into a 6ft deep ditch. My car was in "snow" gear at the time and creeping around the bend.
The other drivers solicitor tried to say it was my fault. They then started to admit part blame then 50/50. I said no and it wasn't until a court date was fixed they eventually gave in 18 months after it happened.
If they had accepted blame in the first place it would have cost them £9000 to repair my car. As it was because they denied everything my manageress and I had a private medical checkup and both our solicitors fees plus injury compensation for us etc etc and must eventually cost 10x the amount. Oh his car was a rightoff and he was a teacher at that,but obviously never learnt how to drive on ice and snow

My car before it was hit

And sold shortly after
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26-09-2016, 04:13 PM

Re: Fende Bender

I had a close shave 3 years ago. I was driving at 30mph at midnight along a busy dual carriageway when a car came shooting out of a side road without looking. No brakes, no swerve - nothing - just smashed into the passenger side door and spun my car round 180 degrees so I was facing back up the way I had come. Not satisfied with that, the driver tried to do a runner, but he had broken his steering in the crash and careered round in a wide arc which took his vehicle into the back of a third car. Needless to say, the driver - a Nigerian national - was drunk (failed his breath test) and had no insurance. Luckily although the car was a write-off, I walked away without a scratch!

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