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04-03-2016, 11:01 PM

Why dont these parents give up their children?

Another horrendous case of child murder by parents.
In this little girls short life she was terribly abused.
What I cant understand is why these vile people just don't give up their baby for adoption.
Some childless couple would have loved this poor little tot and given her a life.
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04-03-2016, 11:46 PM

Re: Why dont these parents give up their children?

She'd already been placed in care, poor little sweetheart, she was safe...she should never have been returned to her parents.
What were they thinking?
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05-03-2016, 09:42 AM

Re: Why dont these parents give up their children?

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
Another horrendous case of child murder by parents.
In this little girls short life she was terribly abused.
What I cant understand is why these vile people just don't give up their baby for adoption.
Some childless couple would have loved this poor little tot and given her a life.

Some sick scum get pleasure from abusing their kids!
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05-03-2016, 01:32 PM

Re: Why dont these parents give up their children?

You wonder how anyone could deliberately hurt their child. Are they high on drugs? Have they got short fuses and just lash out if the child cried, which she must've done as she was half starved and probably in pain?
Why didn't they give her up? They belong to a 'me', 'it's mine' society, besides there's money to be made in benefits if you have a child, plus you get a home!
The poor little darling, how she must've suffered. RIP
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05-03-2016, 01:36 PM

Re: Why dont these parents give up their children?

Take abused children away from their parents and you have public outcry, newspaper campaigns, policians seeking publicity, social workers sacked and the children returned to their abusers. The definition of a no-win situation.
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05-03-2016, 04:03 PM

Re: Why dont these parents give up their children?

These stories make me so angry. A child is not a possession it is a responsibility and where a parent shows an inability to be responsible the child should be removed from their care, permanently. So many inadequate parents are given 2nd and 3rd chances and the child ends up dead or severely damaged. If these parents show no ability to care for their child that child should be protected and the parents should be sterilized to stop them having more.
For all those who protest that sterilization would take away their human rights, I would suggest that anyone who thinks that way is no better than the parent who killed the child, themselves.
If I ever witnessed a friend, neighbour or family member showing an inability to cope with their child I would have no hesitation in reporting them to social services. If there is any doubt that the parent is able to look after that child, giving the care and attention it needs, surely it is better to remove the child rather than risk it being dead next year.
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05-03-2016, 06:20 PM

Re: Why dont these parents give up their children?

It was a big mistake returing this innocent little girl to her evil parents to be l killed by them. There is the assumption that parents have motherly and fatherly feelings for their children.
Many of them do not, and many do not have parenting skills either.
When jailed for a short time,these animals will have a cosy life in Prison with all mod con's Food and TV, PC's and accsses to education.
Further more when released they can have more children to abuse.
Why can't they be sterilsed and experience deprevation, with a good beating as well? That is what they deserve, twenty lashes each day of that poor childs life
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05-03-2016, 08:06 PM

Re: Why dont these parents give up their children?

Originally Posted by Azure ->
It was a big mistake returing this innocent little girl to her evil parents to be l killed by them. There is the assumption that parents have motherly and fatherly feelings for their children.
Many of them do not, and many do not have parenting skills either.
When jailed for a short time,these animals will have a cosy life in Prison with all mod con's Food and TV, PC's and accsses to education.
Further more when released they can have more children to abuse.
Why can't they be sterilsed and experience deprevation, with a good beating as well? That is what they deserve, twenty lashes each day of that poor childs life
I so agree with you.
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05-03-2016, 08:20 PM

Re: Why dont these parents give up their children?

I dont think it ever occurs to these sick parents to give up their child ,for some twisted reason they seem to feel they have to punish the poor little mites,Often the poor child just gets in the way of the parents life,we all know how difficult caring for a baby/young child is. I cant understand why this little girl was sent back to her parents after being in care
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09-03-2016, 10:46 AM

Re: Why dont these parents give up their children?

I seriously wonder, doubt, whether the option to have the child adopted is ever offered to these hopelessly inadequate parents at any point. Or compulsory attending parenting classes. Or anything of the kind. Remember government cutbacks and funding??
Sadly the emphasis is always on the natural parents' rights, however unnatural their behaviours.
Offering the sensible option of adoption is probably non pc.?
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