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30-03-2010, 11:10 AM

Don`t go to London - the Tourists have taken over.

My sister and I went for a day in London yesterday, to visit the Nat. History Museum. The tube was packed with foreign students (mostly German) and the Museum was so full they were only letting people in when some came out. There were tour coaches nose to tail all up the surrounding roads.
We snuck off to the the V&A which was happily tourist free, not being the sort of place they go.
I can however report that foreign tourists in Britain are just a ill-mannered are Brits are abroad.
Young German men don`t give up their seat on a train for pregnant ladies, they let elderly pensioners do it, then pretend not to notice.
Foreign kids are just as loud and badly behaved as ours.
So - if you`re planning a day out, I suggest you go abroad. or at least avoid central London.
Here`s a pic looking into the NHM

and here`s the relative calm of the V&A
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30-03-2010, 01:02 PM

Re: Don`t go to London - the Tourists have taken over.

Looks nice Claire - I love the hustle and bustle of London - you can just melt into the background
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30-03-2010, 01:24 PM

Re: Don`t go to London - the Tourists have taken over.

Great photos Claire, . . I wonder why it was so busy, is it a German holiday ?
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31-03-2010, 09:42 AM

Re: Don`t go to London - the Tourists have taken over.

Oh lovely photos - I love London but haven't been there for a couple of years. Never managed to go to the museum though - went to Madame Teusauds (sorry for spelling!)

It's the same thing when I go to Edinburgh - always full of foreign tourists! Went into a shop there and waited for someone to attend to me, another couple of tourists (Americans) came to stand behind me - and when the assistant came up to serve - she asked the Americans if she could help them! I saw red and raised a right stumshie!! The manager came out and tried to intervene by asking me if I would kindly wait my turn!!! I told the manager what he could do with his shop!!

Luckily they aren't all like that and that shop has since closed in Princes Street!
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31-03-2010, 04:33 PM

Re: Don`t go to London - the Tourists have taken over.

Well - at least they seemed to all speak English. At least, in the queue when I said very loudly `If one more bloody tourist shoves me I`ll kick the b*****d!` they all carefully moved away.
Oh the joys of being old and not caring!
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31-03-2010, 05:21 PM

Re: Don`t go to London - the Tourists have taken over.

Claire I think you're very brave going to London - I worked there (Mon - Fri) from apprx 2000 to 2003 and hated it.

I used to like it when I was younger, like all those students I think young people just like 'snuggling' up to each other it's only when you're older you realise what a lot of diseases they carry, how rude they are, and just how noisy the whole place is.

But I'm glad you enjoyed the V&A (I would enjoy it too if itt was in some civilised city
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31-03-2010, 07:55 PM

Re: Don`t go to London - the Tourists have taken over.

" it's only when you're older you realise what a lot of diseases they carry,"

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31-03-2010, 09:53 PM

Re: Don`t go to London - the Tourists have taken over.

I like going to London and love the hustle and bustle there
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01-04-2010, 01:27 PM

Re: Don`t go to London - the Tourists have taken over.

It is not only London that gets taken over, spare a thought for people who have lived through this very harsh winter in The Lake District for instance wake up to find that their towns, villages and beaches have been taken over by tourists. We never complain as most tourists spend money here and that is how London looks at it I suppose.
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01-04-2010, 03:52 PM

Re: Don`t go to London - the Tourists have taken over.

I know as I live in a seaside resort.
I just thought it`d be quiet on a March weekday, outside of school and national holidays.
It`s not usually like that - it`s the exchange rate making London seem very cheap I suppose.

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