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20-01-2015, 07:33 AM

What happens in a Will

It's funny what you find out as you move along through life.
My dad put his will in the hands of his solicitor, I was quite happy with this at the time but he left most of his money to barb my wife and a small amount to me and my sister. None of us thought this was fare so when he died the three of us decided to change the will with a " deed of variation " This is the legal term they used. I decided to have nothing because I fully intend to die pennyless. We decided to split his estate between my sister and my wife. What a simple thing to sort out, or so you would think. Do you know it took twelve months for my fathers estate to be sorted out and during that time the money was invested by the solicitor in an off shore account. I had to answer all sorts of daft questions over the phone, asked by the solicitor like, " does your father have any secret girl friends " What sort of question is that ? My dad died when he was 84, do you think he had any girls on the side when he was dying of prostate cancer ? These solicitors are having a laugh, anyway if he did have a secret girl friend I would not know because it would be his secret would't it. I think solicitors take us all to be idiots.
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20-01-2015, 08:27 AM

Re: What happens in a Will

LOL i think the Solicitor was taking you for a ride ,he would have been charging you for the phone calls.
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20-01-2015, 08:29 AM

Re: What happens in a Will

I worked for solicitors for many years and you've hit it on the head. Some of them do treat their clients like idiots. Estates are one of them and take months, with the file just left literally on the floor, in favour of more pressing matters. Same with litigation claims. Unless you make youself a nuisance, the conveyancing file will stay in the cabinet too. You have to really 'drive' whatever they are dealing with.

I avoid them at all costs and obtained Probate for my father myself, so did my friend for her husband, most of the time it is not that difficult and the Court will always assist. If you don't need Probate it is definitely easier and of course quicker to do it yourself. We drew up the two Enduring Power of Attorney and over time have saved thousands not to mention time and stress.

Of course each estate is different and I don't want to pry but couldn't the Estate have been split after it was settled rather than a Deed of Variation if all the family were happy? EDIT of course could be problems with IHT and receiving monies not inherited and therefore taxable. Obviously not so easy with that sort of thing if there are disagreements in families. That's always a money maker for them. Sorry but from my experieces I don't have much faith in them.

I would avoid at all cost making a solicitor or bank the Executor of any will. Just a money spinner!

We've been told by both two sets of solicitors in a transaction that an Energy Performance Certificate is not necessary as the sale is cash. Ok they aren't worth the paper they are written on and as the purchaser isn't having a mortgage in theory no-one will know. However it is mandatory, with a couple of exceptions, listed buildings and property sold for demolition. There is a Government database where these Certificates are uploaded, which some people believe may well be used in the future to assess Council Tax. You can be fined even when the property has been sold for not obtaining one. It is law to get one so why take a chance for just £65 I'd rather get one and know there will be no come back however remote.
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20-01-2015, 08:34 AM

Re: What happens in a Will

We had a will sorted by a Solicitor ,he did the Probate and a couple of other matters all done in a month, very satisfied with his work ,and even went back to have my own will made by him .I guess you get good and bad in all trades .
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20-01-2015, 09:47 AM

Re: What happens in a Will

Originally Posted by Eliza ->
We had a will sorted by a Solicitor ,he did the Probate and a couple of other matters all done in a month, very satisfied with his work ,and even went back to have my own will made by him .I guess you get good and bad in all trades .
You must be right Eliza, it is the only logical way of looking at things. They did seem to speed up at the end, perhaps because I spoke to the law society.
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20-01-2015, 10:16 AM

Re: What happens in a Will

I face a problem with drawing up a Will as firstly, my brother and younger sister wouldn't have a clue what to do, and my older sister seems to spend all her time caring for grand children and my BiL, still unwell from his mini stroke and other problems. I decided I didn't want to burden her.

For that reason I've not done one yet. I firstly hope to sell my flat so that that problem would be solved, but again I can't decide if I want them to inherit any of my money!

If I AM lucky enough to sell the flat (to someone brave enough to take on neighbours from hell) I'd have a sizeable pot to deal with. But do I want any solicitors to take a huge chunk out of it?

I don't have anyone else to take on the job as Executor. Mum's was relatively easy as she'd already put me on her bank accounts as Joint so as the money was classed as 'mine' I didn't need Probate. Thank goodness!!!

Never easy, is it, dealing with these things after death?
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20-01-2015, 10:25 AM

Re: What happens in a Will

In your case Jazzi I think it would be best if you appointed the solicitor as executer. He'd take his fee from your estate - yes - but I can't see that it should matter to you if you're gone!
It would seem the easiest way to do it.
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20-01-2015, 10:26 AM

Re: What happens in a Will

Originally Posted by Jazzi ->
I face a problem with drawing up a Will as firstly, my brother and younger sister wouldn't have a clue what to do, and my older sister seems to spend all her time caring for grand children and my BiL, still unwell from his mini stroke and other problems. I decided I didn't want to burden her.

For that reason I've not done one yet. I firstly hope to sell my flat so that that problem would be solved, but again I can't decide if I want them to inherit any of my money!

If I AM lucky enough to sell the flat (to someone brave enough to take on neighbours from hell) I'd have a sizeable pot to deal with. But do I want any solicitors to take a huge chunk out of it?

I don't have anyone else to take on the job as Executor. Mum's was relatively easy as she'd already put me on her bank accounts as Joint so as the money was classed as 'mine' I didn't need Probate. Thank goodness!!!

Never easy, is it, dealing with these things after death?
This is a personel decission which only you can make, barb and I have made a will to stop any problems between our two sons. I don't know about who is best to be executor though.
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20-01-2015, 10:34 AM

Re: What happens in a Will

Originally Posted by carol ->
In your case Jazzi I think it would be best if you appointed the solicitor as executer. He'd take his fee from your estate - yes - but I can't see that it should matter to you if you're gone!
It would seem the easiest way to do it.
That's what I was thinking, if there's no-one who really needs the money, as say in a spouse etc.
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20-01-2015, 10:36 AM

Re: What happens in a Will

quote" I decided to have nothing because I fully intend to die pennyless."unquote from littlebob

Yet another case of the state or relatives having to pay for a funeral instead of saving or taking out an insurance policy.

All I can say is how disgusting an attitude like that is.

More than likely die intestate as well costing more money from every/anyone to get matters. Just goes to show how little thought is given to those left behind.

These days a typical funeral using a funeral director costs around £3,600. However, you can pay much more or less than this. What is worse it can be covered for just a few pence a week in life insurance
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