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10-11-2013, 10:32 AM

Long live the King........

Watching the Ceremony of Remembrance last evening on BBC1, I couldnt help but think how the Queen is looking her age these days, 87.

Who will replace her? Charles apparently fears the day when & if he takes over.
As for the peoples choice William ,the Queen would be loathe to sentence him; just as she was sentenced at such a young age and thrust onto the throne after her much loved father died prematurely.

I don't normally do serious, but am making an exception on this. One day, soon, when the inevitable happens there will be much changed in our Sceptred Isles.

In many ways, the Queen represents to especially older Brits, the best of the past. TImes they are a changing & when this ICON goes much will be swept away.

Respect !
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10-11-2013, 10:36 AM

Re: Long live the King........

Couldn't agree more, I also think as much as Charles fears it he has to find the courage to take it on as William needs a few more years of relative freedom before his turn. The reports on the paper this week that he wants to move back to the old house with Kate say to me he isn't quite ready yet.
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10-11-2013, 11:11 AM

Re: Long live the King........

I wonder if Charles is feeling that at his age, now 65, it's rather late in life to be taking over the helm? No, I'm not being ageist, and of course many people are fit, active and capable but to take over the monarchy now must be a scary thought. Had he become King 10/20 years ago when he was moaning about it and willing, maybe so, but I personally wouldn't like to take on that sort of responsibility on reaching that age!! Our Queen's shoes will be hard to fill.

Yes, ok, I know I cheekily asked recently what does she actually do (!), I still have the greatest respect for her. As for her firstborn and his wife, I have none.

So, it's quite a worrying thought if Charles feels he's not up to the job yet, and neither is William. Can you picture it? The two of them at a door, saying 'Go on, you go...' 'No, after you. You first.' 'No! I insist!'

Lol... With Harry behind them saying, 'well don't expect ME to step in. Later, losers!'

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10-11-2013, 11:13 AM

Re: Long live the King........

And Philip is definitely looking his age!! I fear if one goes, the other will follow quite quickly.
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10-11-2013, 11:14 AM

Re: Long live the King........

I wouldn't say its worrying Jazzi - William will be a good figurehead for the country - not sure he wants to do it, but the couple will do well, when the time comes .....
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10-11-2013, 11:15 AM

Re: Long live the King........

Harry -would be a 'scream' No way Pedro
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10-11-2013, 11:24 AM

Re: Long live the King........

Long Live the Republic!!!
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10-11-2013, 11:36 AM

Re: Long live the King........

Originally Posted by Jazzi ->
I wonder if Charles is feeling that at his age, now 65, it's rather late in life to be taking over the helm? No, I'm not being ageist, and of course many people are fit, active and capable but to take over the monarchy now must be a scary thought. Had he become King 10/20 years ago when he was moaning about it and willing, maybe so, but I personally wouldn't like to take on that sort of responsibility on reaching that age!! Our Queen's shoes will be hard to fill.

Yes, ok, I know I cheekily asked recently what does she actually do (!), I still have the greatest respect for her. As for her firstborn and his wife, I have none.

So, it's quite a worrying thought if Charles feels he's not up to the job yet, and neither is William. Can you picture it? The two of them at a door, saying 'Go on, you go...' 'No, after you. You first.' 'No! I insist!'

Lol... With Harry behind them saying, 'well don't expect ME to step in. Later, losers!'

Could be that although I think he knows he won't be as popular especially with his wife.
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10-11-2013, 11:45 AM

Re: Long live the King........

I am older than Charles and remember when I was a kid that he would be one day my King. Watching him grow over the years and comparing to myself by way of what I think and what I know. He seems like a very old man and not the trendy Wendy I see myself as
If you compare his life to that of Edwards being in the shadow of his Mother Victoria. He only last 10 years and died so there might not be a lot to get out of Charles. Then I suppose poor William will have to join the Monarchs gallery. At least he has a loving and supporting wife to hold his hand and she doesn't seem to be neurotic does she?
Bless them.
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10-11-2013, 11:49 AM

Re: Long live the King........

Charlie the turd is just 5 days older than I am.
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