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01-05-2013, 07:33 PM

How would you take it?

While we seem to have Genes in the news a lot lately, this film was listed to be shown last night on True Movies, I didn’t watch it but thought it presented an interesting subject for parents in the future, here’s the name of the film and the introduction.
The Twilight Of The Golds.
In this controversial story a family must decide what they will do with their unborn child when they discover there is a possibility that he will be born gay.

Of course they cannot tell that about unborn children today but they might in the near future. How would you take the news if you were having a child?.
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01-05-2013, 07:41 PM

Re: How would you take it?

I certainly would not have it modified .... as people should be free to be born in any way they come ..... not only that its possible the modifcation could turn it into a monster, who knows what other damage it could do. , you should never play with nature......
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01-05-2013, 07:53 PM

Re: How would you take it?

Originally Posted by Nobaggage ->
I certainly would not have it modified .... as people should be free to be born in any way they come ..... not only that its possible the modifcation could turn it into a monster, who knows what other damage it could do. , you should never play with nature......
Nor would the wife and me Baggy, what will be will be.
I have a sneaky suspicion they are playing around with nature already, hence feeding us all with tit bits of genetic "Advances", but then again I'm always suspicious of scientists, it's in my nature.
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01-05-2013, 08:33 PM

Re: How would you take it?

I wouldn't worry about it one bit and I certainly wouldn't attempt to make any changes.
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01-05-2013, 10:14 PM

Re: How would you take it?

I was told I had MS at 41 & that my unborn baby had a good chance of having Down's Syndrome. I didn't even hesitate to keep it. Luckily the lesions on my brain went and she was fine. My eldest daughter had a baby who had terrible abnormalities and lived only a few hours, but to us she was a person. Being gay is not something to be ashamed of these days.
I read a book recently Called "Perfect People" by Peter James about genetically modified children - scary!
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01-05-2013, 10:51 PM

Re: How would you take it?

They, seem to be a faction who continuously dabble.
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02-05-2013, 07:26 AM

Re: How would you take it?

I do not have any children but I would like to think that under different circumstances, I would have lived up to my responsibilities.

I have come across people who believed themselves to be 'perfect', they would be the ones to want 'designer' babies ..... I wonder what these perfect people do when the arthritis etc kicks in
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02-05-2013, 08:47 AM

Re: How would you take it?

Originally Posted by spitfire ->
They, seem to be a faction who continuously dabble.

Yes Paul matey. The first one to think he could do this was Dr Josef Mengele.
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02-05-2013, 09:34 AM

Re: How would you take it?

A good question. I wonder how far down this particular path scientists have already traversed and I fear for results which may cause unexpected havoc.

You only have to look at the chaos & harm caused by fiddling with nature and putting non-indigenous species of flora and fauna into environments which cause them to spread wildly and unchecked..

In answer to JEMs original question, my current thinking would be
"Don't ask & don't tell"
The thin edge of the wedge is well and truly in power and leading us all into places we may not relish.
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03-05-2013, 04:15 PM

Re: How would you take it?

Originally Posted by Twizard ->
I read a book recently Called "Perfect People" by Peter James about genetically modified children - scary!
I've read Peter James' Perfect People as well Twizard. Definitely scarey, a rivetting read and so well written. He makes it sound quite plausable and leads us into thinking it really could happen - perhaps it could in the not too distant future.

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