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23-08-2009, 02:37 PM

Re: Sunday 'sermon'

G'day y'all,
What a day, it's been drizzling all day and it's so sticky, can't believe the humidity, the atmosphere's so thick you could stir it with a stick, . . hmmm . . been in this situation before wiv the wife.
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23-08-2009, 06:45 PM

Re: Sunday 'sermon'

Good evening everyone,
It has been a hot day here, I was at work all day it was fairly varied, 1 snake bite, (foreigner who didn't think we had poisonous snakes in this country and decided to take a close up photo of it!) A youngster who swigged his can of pop and swallowed a wasp which stung his throat, loads of bbq's, problems with the sheep, lost people, parking machine problems (or not as it turned out), just a normal Sunday really!
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23-08-2009, 07:23 PM

Re: Sunday 'sermon'

Originally Posted by moetmum ->
Good evening everyone,
It has been a hot day here, I was at work all day it was fairly varied, 1 snake bite, (foreigner who didn't think we had poisonous snakes in this country and decided to take a close up photo of it!) A youngster who swigged his can of pop and swallowed a wasp which stung his throat, loads of bbq's, problems with the sheep, lost people, parking machine problems (or not as it turned out), just a normal Sunday really!
Now you have me wondering what you do MM Nursing?....... thereagain where on earth would parking machine problems fit into that!
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23-08-2009, 08:45 PM

Re: Sunday 'sermon'

Hi all - it's been a scorcher here today, but I have been working most of the day, so didn't get too hot. Poor Kizzy who has a very thick coat has been wandering in and "dumping heat" on the tiled floors. Pip has been tired too most of the afternoon and sleeping quite a bit.

Sunday is not a "day of rest" here - well, not for me anyway. I remember when I was at school (I went to a convent) the headmistress, a nun, asked my class whether we all kept the Sabbath Day holy. Stupid me had to tell the truth. No I said, my parents and I have much too much work to catch up on as we're all doing other things during the week. Don't recall how I ever lived that down. Again, when I was a child, my mother used to always cook roast on a Sunday and then I felt so lethargic in the afternoon and couldn't concentrate on my homework and I remember how liberating it was when we all decided one hot summer Sunday NOT to have a roast lunch. A whole day saved!

Hope that doesn't sound "kill joy" or "hard done by" as it's not meant to!
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23-08-2009, 09:04 PM

Re: Sunday 'sermon'

Mags, I work at a Country Park in the visitors centre, we are a first aid point too, usually only the walking wounded come in, the rangers have to deal with more serious incidents, for which I am grateful. I can't tell you how many times I have had to call out an ambulance, we sometimes have to have the air ambulance in for tricky recoveries.

Never a dull moment! You never know what will happen!
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23-08-2009, 09:19 PM

Re: Sunday 'sermon'

Originally Posted by moetmum ->
Mags, I work at a Country Park in the visitors centre, we are a first aid point too, usually only the walking wounded come in, the rangers have to deal with more serious incidents, for which I am grateful. I can't tell you how many times I have had to call out an ambulance, we sometimes have to have the air ambulance in for tricky recoveries.

Never a dull moment! You never know what will happen!
That sounds a really interesting job as you get to meet the public and not so fit!
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23-08-2009, 09:31 PM

Re: Sunday 'sermon'

Some very fit, its very hilly and lots of people come to train here, part of the park is the highest point on the South Downs. The armed forces are regular visitors, its great we get paid to talk to people!
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23-08-2009, 09:35 PM

Re: Sunday 'sermon'

Originally Posted by moetmum ->
Some very fit, its very hilly and lots of people come to train here, part of the park is the highest point on the South Downs. The armed forces are regular visitors, its great we get paid to talk to people!
There must be so many wonderful places around our country that we miss out on because we have never heard of them
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23-08-2009, 11:09 PM

Re: Sunday 'sermon'

Good Evening all or should I say goodnight all-late coming on due to my sister having been for tea-she can talk for England-you are never stuck for conversation-love her to bits I treat Sunday as a sort of rest day-never go shopping on a Sunday ever-don't do housework etc.etc.-just a lazy day for me and my girl Hatti. As I said my sister came mid-afternoon, stayed for tea-I made roast chicken peas and carrots and baby new potatoes followed by Fruit Tartlet (her favourite)-- all very nice- She went home at around 8.15 p.m. in the lashing rain. Going to visit my other sister tomorrow-its her birthday, she is 60 and doesn't want to be told her age is just a number and she won't feel any different than she does today -hope she has a good day-sure she will
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23-08-2009, 11:19 PM

Re: Sunday 'sermon'

Hope you've all had a great Sunday

It's done nothing but rain here.......I've done the usual housework, and 3 loads of washing today.

Sorry to hear about your neighbours lad So sad........

I like to relax and do nothing on a Sunday It's my day of rest! x
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