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01-10-2015, 08:18 AM

Smoking in cars

I do agree with it but its a joke really isn't it? They can't even stop drivers using mobile phones while driving so how on earth are they going to stop drivers smoking in cars with people under 18 as passengers?
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01-10-2015, 08:24 AM

Re: Smoking in cars

They cannot and will only do so if they are stopped for some other reason. The police are undermanned and there is no way they can cope with yet another law. If people cannot see that they are putting their children at risk if smoking in a car with them then they are ignorant and selfish and deserve to die of cancer and the children would be well rid of them.
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01-10-2015, 08:54 AM

Re: Smoking in cars

Originally Posted by Moyra ->
The police are undermanned and there is no way they can cope with yet another law.
Then we may as well kock down the houses of parliament and send all those law-makers home !
That is why we have a government Moyra ... to set laws, that is what they do all and every day it's why we have a government and what we pay them to do.
What you are saying is that we abandon all hope and resort to anarchy !!!
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01-10-2015, 09:03 AM

Re: Smoking in cars

They can't even stop drivers using mobile phones while driving so how on earth are they going to stop drivers smoking in cars with people under 18 as passengers?
The new law is unenforceable I agree but it does send out a message to smokers.

It was interesting listening to young children discussing the law on the radio this morning, they were well aware of the consequences which may result from passive smoking and they may be able to influence adults even if the police can't.
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01-10-2015, 09:03 AM

Re: Smoking in cars

Ouch Moyra!!! I would never wish cancer on anybody not even my worse enemy.
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01-10-2015, 09:07 AM

Re: Smoking in cars

Originally Posted by Docholliday ->
Ouch Moyra!!! I would never wish cancer on anybody not even my worse enemy.
Looks like I'm safe then !
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01-10-2015, 09:08 AM

Re: Smoking in cars

Originally Posted by Moyra ->
They cannot and will only do so if they are stopped for some other reason. The police are undermanned and there is no way they can cope with yet another law. If people cannot see that they are putting their children at risk if smoking in a car with them then they are ignorant and selfish and deserve to die of cancer and the children would be well rid of them.
That's horrible and as much as I hated my mother for her lifestyle including smoking in the car I would rather she had not died so young from it. I think people who smoke probably suffer enough without wishing cancer on them.
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01-10-2015, 09:14 AM

Re: Smoking in cars

quote...If people cannot see that they are putting their children at risk if smoking in a car with them then they are ignorant and selfish and deserve to die of cancer and the children would be well rid of them. .....unquote

What a very unpleasant and horrible thing to say. There are many things ignorant and selfish parents/people do, smoking around their children is one, leaving them alone at home or on holidays is another, but to wish cancer on anyone is absolutely vile.
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01-10-2015, 09:18 AM

Re: Smoking in cars

Both my parents die from cancer ,my mother through secondary inhaling a few month after my father died from smoking.

Why on earth the government close down tobacco companies and cut off the source beats me. Shut down these death factories and everyone would be that much healthier.

The arguement is the government would loose a lot of tax which is a load of tosh, it would be counter balanced with less ill health costing thetax payer so much in national health expense
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01-10-2015, 09:34 AM

Re: Smoking in cars

Originally Posted by realspeed ->
Both my parents die from cancer ,my mother through secondary inhaling a few month after my father died from smoking.

Why on earth the government close down tobacco companies and cut off the source beats me. Shut down these death factories and everyone would be that much healthier.

The arguement is the government would loose a lot of tax which is a load of tosh, it would be counter balanced with less ill health costing thetax payer so much in national health expense
Yes Smoking-related cancers are dreadful realspeed but let's not forget that alcohol-related deaths by far outweigh those caused from cancers from smoking
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