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26-11-2009, 03:43 PM

Iraq war inquiry

I've watched bits of this for 2 days, . . what's this for ? . . is Tony on trial ?
I noticed it'll continue until the end of next year, . . who pays for this farce?
Who asked for an inquiry ?
Why do we need one ?
Will they conclude it was an illegal war ? . . if so will Tony be punished for involving us ?
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26-11-2009, 03:46 PM

Re: Iraq war inquiry

I think Brown agreed that there would be an inquiry once the troops were out.
Whether it will lead to Blair going to the same court in The Hague as Milosovic and Karadic, on trial for waging an illegal war - who knows?
Bush won't - they haven't signed up to the ICC
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27-11-2009, 04:51 PM

Re: Iraq war inquiry

Originally Posted by dinahsmum ->
I think Brown agreed that there would be an inquiry once the troops were out.
Whether it will lead to Blair going to the same court in The Hague as Milosovic and Karadic, on trial for waging an illegal war - who knows?
Bush won't - they haven't signed up to the ICC
Perhaps if Bush steps outside of the USA he may arrested and draged to the Hague
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17-01-2010, 02:39 PM

Re: Iraq war inquiry

Chemical Ali has had his 4th death sentence given by the courts, . . he will hang like his cousin Saddam, . . lets hope he goes to the infernal regions like him.

This conviction was over the nerve gas bombings in northern Iraq in 1988, . . the gas was dropped from aircraft and killed thousands of Kurds including women and children, . . you may recall the videos of their bodies laying in the streets.

Back to my reason for this thread, . . nerve gas is a weapon of mass destruction, he did have it at that time, the inquiry going on just now is a farce that's costing the tax payer millions, . . Saddam was no fool, he was an evil genocidal demon.

I still believe the toxic agents the United Nations say he never had in 2001 are buried in the vastness of the Iraqi deserts, he got the likes of chemical Ali to dispose of them discreetly before the allies invaded, I would guess that any men involved in such a burial would've been put to death to keep the secret.

The reasons for the war being investigated areunjust IMO, . . the deed was done and Saddam was hung, and so will chemical Ali and IMO the world's a better place without vermin like them.
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18-01-2010, 11:07 AM

Re: Iraq war inquiry

Originally Posted by nero ->

I still believe the toxic agents the United Nations say he never had in 2001 are buried in the vastness of the Iraqi deserts, he got the likes of chemical Ali to dispose of them discreetly before the allies invaded, I would guess that any men involved in such a burial would've been put to death to keep the secret.
Not only has not one WMD turned up but not one bit of paper pertaining to WMDs has turned up.

True it would be easy to hide bulky things but not a paper trail.

Even Bush admited that Iraq had no WMDs
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26-01-2010, 04:41 PM

Re: Iraq war inquiry

Well chemical Ali took the drop yesterday like Saddam did.

I was listening to the enquiry for an hour just now and it looks like it will be declared an illegal war eventually.
If this happens this will make all the countries who took part in ridding the world of a despot guilty too.

It's all about the WMD that the UN still maintains Saddam never had, . . during the Iraq - Iran war in the 80's both sides were using poisonous gas and nerve agents like we did in WW1, . . they killed thousands on both sides with artillery shells like we did in WW1, . . so what's become of the surplus shells that were'nt fired ?

If we had leaders who could get together in 1938 like the allies did for the Iraq war, . . WW2 would never have happened and 60 million souls would never have died IMO.
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26-01-2010, 07:18 PM

Re: Iraq war inquiry

Originally Posted by galty ->
True it would be easy to hide bulky things but not a paper trail.
Oh come on Galty, a 'paper trail' I've worked in several middle east countries and there is no Arabic word for 'paper trail' let alone actually having one.

And another thing that annoys me intensely is that no one ever defines WMD's - to one person it's one thing and to another it's something completely different.

Let me explain, it's not that difficult to set up a lab and get a few scientists to work on creating a substance which when dropped in the water supply would kill thousands of people. It's a hell of a lot more difficult to find a means of delivering such substances (even 'tho they might be only the size of an Oxo cube).

Saddams laboritory was only the size of a typical three bedroom semi in England. When he saw the war comming he phoned up his chief scientist (Nothing is ever put in writing in these situations)

"Hey, Abdul, a war is comming, we don't want to let anyone know what you've been working on so chuck it all in the back of a Land Rover, drive out to dessert, and dig a big hole and dump it"

And you know what, that's just what Abdul did, and further more you all know that right out in the dessert they did get some readings on the instruments, nothing big and only in one place.

So the question did Saddam have WMD's and the answer is both YES and NO

YES, He was developing them

NO, He didn't have sufficient quantity or a means of delivering them

So the real question which so far as I can see should be:-

Do you believe that if we leave Saddam alone and just ignore him that he will close down his little laboritory and stop thinking about developing all these nasty horrible things that can kill thousands of people - That is the real question but of course no one is going to ask that question because the answer will depend on what people want the answer to be grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

You only need to know what he did to the Kurds ten years earlier to see the answer to that one.
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27-01-2010, 12:58 PM

Re: Iraq war inquiry

Good post Harvey, . . you should get a job in the UN as an adviser, . . it seems the UN have tunnel vision, they wanted to see a "smoking Gun" as regards to WMD but Saddam was too clever for them.

The inquiry is an exercise in PR for the lily-livered-liberals IMO, . . . in their heart of hearts nobody shurely believes Saddam should've been left alone to carry on, if the inquiry finds the war was illegal are they gonna put Tony in the village stocks and pelt him with rotten tomatoes ? . . . at a time when this country is struggling financially I think it's disgraceful to waste millions of pounds on this useless inquiry.
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27-01-2010, 08:23 PM

Re: Iraq war inquiry

It looked like witch hunt today, . . lord Goldsmith, . . (who was attorney general) when asked if he had been pinned up against a wall by Tony in Downing Street to say the war would be legal, . . refuted the allegations, . . I wait with baited breath for Tony to appear on Friday.

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