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21-01-2012, 12:15 AM

advice wanted to beat the system

Hi all ...I am pretty new here but so far i am impressed on how friendly everyone is ....So i am gonna start a thread ask for advice and introduce myself properly putting it i am 55 yo..bin made redundant last may ...slowly sinking...debts over my head mortgage etc etc etc ...all i get is job seekers which doesn't pay the a fraction of the bills...what am i missing...other people seem to survive .on benefits live well got roofs it because i am being to honest how DO I reclaim the last 40 years of tax... all i have worked for in 40 years stands to disappear in the next 6 months...this so called government are reclaiming everything i have worked for house health and my future and retirement ..(however they didn't get my bottle of wine i just drank)...I am sorry about this post , but i am sure there are many other people in the same boat as me...if this post will fair better in a different section please move it for me......Thanks all
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21-01-2012, 12:36 AM

Re: advice wanted to beat the system

Steve , I am saddened to hear of your predicament and I don't have any easy answers for you .
What sort of work did you do before your redundancy?

I know from past experience you can reach a point where you can't fall any lower so the only way is up .
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21-01-2012, 12:41 AM

Re: advice wanted to beat the system

Originally Posted by ukmartian ->
Hi all ...I am pretty new here but so far i am impressed on how friendly everyone is ....So i am gonna start a thread ask for advice and introduce myself properly putting it i am 55 yo..bin made redundant last may ...slowly sinking...debts over my head mortgage etc etc etc ...all i get is job seekers which doesn't pay the a fraction of the bills...what am i missing...other people seem to survive .on benefits live well got roofs it because i am being to honest how DO I reclaim the last 40 years of tax... all i have worked for in 40 years stands to disappear in the next 6 months...this so called government are reclaiming everything i have worked for house health and my future and retirement ..(however they didn't get my bottle of wine i just drank)...I am sorry about this post , but i am sure there are many other people in the same boat as me...if this post will fair better in a different section please move it for me......Thanks all
Hi there and welcome.
Its not easy as someone very close to me had the same problem a couple of years ago.It's hard when you have paid your dues for so many year's and see other people getting help that never have paid a penny towards anything.You say you know people that live well on well and do if they have children?Im going to be totally frank with you.The person I knew was hitting rock bottom money wise and yes would have lost his house.I convinced him to go self employed as there's just no jobs out there for people of a certain age.Best thing he did...he got help financially and also got a rebate from the Tax Man and also gets Working Tax Credit.He is now able to pay his bills and live without the fear of his house having to be sold.There is help out there but you have to look for it and give every avenue a chance.
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21-01-2012, 12:43 AM

Re: advice wanted to beat the system

I cant help you either but your post makes me so angry as I was listening to the news today about how many immigrants are claiming benefits in this country. I do think you have to be a good liar to be able to survive on benefits. I hope someone can offer you advice. It seems so unfair that you have to lose all you have worked for when some others cant be bothered to work and seem to get it all.
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21-01-2012, 01:07 AM

Re: advice wanted to beat the system

Originally Posted by ukmartian ->
Hi all ...I am pretty new here but so far i am impressed on how friendly everyone is ....So i am gonna start a thread ask for advice and introduce myself properly putting it i am 55 yo..bin made redundant last may ...slowly sinking...debts over my head mortgage etc etc etc ...all i get is job seekers which doesn't pay the a fraction of the bills...what am i missing...other people seem to survive .on benefits live well got roofs it because i am being to honest how DO I reclaim the last 40 years of tax... all i have worked for in 40 years stands to disappear in the next 6 months...this so called government are reclaiming everything i have worked for house health and my future and retirement ..(however they didn't get my bottle of wine i just drank)...I am sorry about this post , but i am sure there are many other people in the same boat as me...if this post will fair better in a different section please move it for me......Thanks all
Sorry to hear this Steve. Have you been to see anybody about your financial problems? I know that if you let the mortgage company know about being out of work some of them will let you have a mortgage payment holiday. Have you been to Citizens Advice to see if they can help in anyway as I'm sure you can consolidate your debts and pay what you can afford, to be agreed, per month.

I can't believe that you only get Job Seekers allowance as its not much at all and it seems like you need some professional advice and I would start with Citizens Advice and go from there, also search online as i'm sure other people will be in your situation and see what they suggest. good luck
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21-01-2012, 01:09 AM

Re: advice wanted to beat the system

TY i feel better already..i aint the only English person .....the right help goes to the wrong people ....
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21-01-2012, 01:24 AM

Re: advice wanted to beat the system

Hi Steve

I can totally empathise with you. My partner (now deceased) was a plasterer who worked for himself. Years ago though, I was sitting on the floor crying with bills around me trying to decide which one to pay. For several months he'd been unable to find work because of the last recession and he was up every morning looking for work, not coming home till 6 in the evening, but the building trade (including electrical contracting) was at an all time low.

After three months things picked up again and he was earning good money. He was also in his 50s at the time and, in order to pay the mortgage, I borrowed some money from a friend, which of course we paid back as immediate as we could.

We were "living" on my wage, paying a mortgage and barely managing. My old car was my own, and his old car was paid for as well, but there was still the utilities and food, petrol etc.

This doesn't answer your question, nor does it help you. However, did you take out insurance against not being able to work for whatever reason regarding your mortgage?

You can't reclaim the last 40 years of all the tax you've paid, more's the pity. If that could be done we'd all have done it.

I feel desperately sorry that you're in such a predicament. You've obviously worked very hard all your life and wish to continue working and this is where our government falls down very badly. There should be some sort of allowance made for those that have worked for 40 years and wish to continue, against those who have never worked and never intend to, and that makes me so mad.

I've no idea what the job situation is in your area, and I don't know what you did before, but would you consider re-training? I know it isn't easy and I wish I had the answers you so desperately seek. I feel your anguish.

Try not to get too down-hearted though. Your post has shown that you are depressed with your situation which is understandable. I've always worked full time from being 15 to 60, and now I'm part-time. I couldn't imagine what it would be like not to work.

I truly hope someone on here will be able to provide an answer to your problem.
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21-01-2012, 01:30 AM

Re: advice wanted to beat the system

Like Marpaul has said.
You need to go to the citizen advice centre. They will help you, to fill in any paper you need to claim. If you are on benefits, get in touch about your council tax. I went to citizen advice centre years ago. To sort my Mothers old age benefits. They were very good.
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21-01-2012, 01:45 AM

Re: advice wanted to beat the system

i have approached the CAB job centre even seen my MP ...all i have been offered is a delaying answer ..if you cant pay today pay tomorrow ..Last week my son was admitted to hospital for a 3 week stay (he is 20 yo and has cystic fibrosis ) visit him it is a round trip of 110 mls ..i have asked ,in advance for a hard ship grant to visit him twice a week approx £50 a week petrol and will take a 37 page form and 2 weeks to sort....other people get taxis private ambulances free flights home bed and breakfast 5 star hotels ...... ect etc ... Ps 3 journeys is almost 1 weeks jsa ...
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21-01-2012, 01:57 AM

Re: advice wanted to beat the system

Unbelievable!!! Just a suggestion then, keep on and on at them, he who shouts loudest.......

So sorry to hear that your son is in hospital though which must be more of a strain on you. I'm pretty sure that you might be able to get some free parking at the hospital if you go regularly, ask somebody on the ward.

I would definitely fill out their blooming long form though just to get youself some money. It may well be that you only have to do it once, the form I mean I know somebody who has had to have hardship grants a few times and she's never mentioned this form. She gets it more or less straight away. So it could be that once its been set up it takes two weeks and if you need it thereafter it will be instant!

I just don't know how all these other people get benefits, housing allowance and so on. I think it makes a difference if you have young children. Doesn't seem right though that you are having all these problems.
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