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30-04-2013, 10:50 PM

The Selfish Generation

There have been several discussions on here about how the elderly are treated these day at least in UK - or perhaps more accurately how they are mis-treated - how they are neglected - cast to one side. And examples have been offered of how this is happening to individuals and their families. It is obviously an emotive topic and of real concern to people who have made significant contributions to their own families and still do so.

I was just wondering in terms of the lack of concern that some of younger generation have for the elderly and lack of effort they are prepared to put into assisting their own elderly members whether or not it is something to do with they way they were brought up?
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30-04-2013, 11:38 PM

Re: The Selfish Generation

I think a lot has to do with the way you are brought up Davo. If you are told when you are a child to have respect for authority, your elders, your country, and yourself, it will stay with you all through your life, it will become part of your nature. On the other hand if you are told to put yourself first, "Always look after No.1" then how can you have respect for anyone, least of all old people who are only a nuisance to you and as far as you are concerned should be all put down when they reach 60, oh yes I have heard some young people say this. Thankfully my two kids and my grandkids have been thought respect at a very early age and now its a part of their nature, so you could say I have been an eye witness to this process.
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30-04-2013, 11:44 PM

Re: The Selfish Generation

I was just wondering in terms of the lack of concern that some of younger generation have for the elderly and lack of effort they are prepared to put into assisting their own elderly members whether or not it is something to do with they way they were brought up?
I think one of the most important things you can teach a small child is to have empathy for other living creatures.
Whether or not a child has learnt to have empathy is reflected in the way they treat others throughout their lives.
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01-05-2013, 01:55 AM

Re: The Selfish Generation

We've had threads on here that touched on the Entitled Generation. If you google the term the information is quite discouraging. I know a couple of teens who were courteous, considerate, helpful and generally nice to be around when they were 10 and 11. By the time they reached 14 and 15 they were arrogant, selfish, demanding and deceitful. I recall the girl insisting she was "special" because her teachers told her so and encouraged her to stand up for herself and to believe she could be anything she wants to be. I guess that's admirable, but along the way she's lost respect for her dad, anyone in authority, and those same teachers. Sounds like she's typical of her generation. Damage is done.

Edited to say I agree with you Meg. Caring for animals is an excellent skill for children to learn.
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01-05-2013, 05:39 AM

Re: The Selfish Generation

Originally Posted by Annie Jack ->
We've had threads on here that touched on the Entitled Generation. If you google the term the information is quite discouraging. I know a couple of teens who were courteous, considerate, helpful and generally nice to be around when they were 10 and 11. By the time they reached 14 and 15 they were arrogant, selfish, demanding and deceitful. I recall the girl insisting she was "special" because her teachers told her so and encouraged her to stand up for herself and to believe she could be anything she wants to be. I guess that's admirable, but along the way she's lost respect for her dad, anyone in authority, and those same teachers. Sounds like she's typical of her generation. Damage is done.

Edited to say I agree with you Meg. Caring for animals is an excellent skill for children to learn.
so in this case it wasn't how she'd initially been brought up but who took over the behavior modifications along the way?

so parents can do a great job that can be undone as it was in this example?
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01-05-2013, 08:42 AM

Re: The Selfish Generation

I find it hard to blame them, they are being told by the time they get to that age there will be no pensions and they have to make their own provision. They assume we all have had the same chance and cannot themselves even get a house in many cases so how will they be able to save for a pension ?

When I started working I was going to be able to retire at 60, now it's about 66 and on a reduced pension to what I was told to expect all those years ago. I slightly resent that imagine being told you have to pay for pensions and help the older generation but you have nothing like that to look forward to yourself.
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01-05-2013, 08:47 AM

Re: The Selfish Generation

so the governments have created a 'dog eat dog' society?
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01-05-2013, 08:48 AM

Re: The Selfish Generation

In short yes !
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01-05-2013, 08:50 AM

Re: The Selfish Generation

isn't this when we should care about each other the most?
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01-05-2013, 08:54 AM

Re: The Selfish Generation

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
I find it hard to blame them, they are being told by the time they get to that age there will be no pensions and they have to make their own provision. They assume we all have had the same chance and cannot themselves even get a house in many cases so how will they be able to save for a pension ?

When I started working I was going to be able to retire at 60, now it's about 66 and on a reduced pension to what I was told to expect all those years ago. I slightly resent that imagine being told you have to pay for pensions and help the older generation but you have nothing like that to look forward to yourself.
I must have missed something - have they stopped the pension scheme in UK?
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