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14-08-2020, 10:47 PM


There is a lot to be said for a village, provided it is isolated. Yes?
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14-08-2020, 10:54 PM

Re: Village

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14-08-2020, 10:56 PM

Re: Village

A bit like a womb with a view?
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14-08-2020, 11:36 PM

Re: Village

Well, it was a village when we moved here nearly 50 years ago. I had always wanted to live in a village. That has all changed & we have new houses everywhere. Problem is we also had a better variety of independent shops back then too. I have lost my view of fields behind my house, it's now a vast housing estate. Still some view to the South as that's green belt, but for how long I wonder.
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15-08-2020, 12:02 AM

Re: Village

I first sampled village life back in 1968, and loved it almost immediately.
Other than a short break elsewhere in the mid 80's, I have lived village life from then, up until 13 years ago.

For a long time I missed people I had known, and the farming community, the peace and quiet, and even the night time noises outside are so different - in fact, the whole way of life. Even my dogs never had leads on unless I was taking one to the vets.

After I moved away, it took me ages to get used to looking out my front window and seeing tarmac instead of grass, and hearing cars go by instead of tractors.

Even though I was born and raised in a town, I could never live in a big town again, although I am on the outskirts of a small one now. Fortunately there are plenty of fields within about half a mile away where I can still walk though.

I need either greenery around me, or the coast if I could. I am not a townie at heart, but also realise it's probably best not to be too remote as we get older, especially if one lives on their own.
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15-08-2020, 07:16 AM

Re: Village

It can take years for a born and bred Townie, to adjust to life as a Local Yokel.
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15-08-2020, 08:00 AM

Re: Village

My God Spittie, you've hit the nail on the head there. I'm a city girl, born and bred in Brum and moved to a village 30-odd years ago. I would have considered where I now live to be a paradise then, and it's still picturesque - but oh! how I miss the city humour and wit and quick repartee.

Locals here are very reluctant to include outsiders at things like the U3A, would never invite you to join them if you're new, or start anything more than a desultory conversation. It's been like pulling teeth to instigate any sort of response from anyone on my bus, say, except for a few brief words - even after years.
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15-08-2020, 11:33 AM

Re: Village

Originally Posted by eccles ->
My God Spittie, you've hit the nail on the head there. I'm a city girl, born and bred in Brum and moved to a village 30-odd years ago. I would have considered where I now live to be a paradise then, and it's still picturesque - but oh! how I miss the city humour and wit and quick repartee.

Locals here are very reluctant to include outsiders at things like the U3A, would never invite you to join them if you're new, or start anything more than a desultory conversation. It's been like pulling teeth to instigate any sort of response from anyone on my bus, say, except for a few brief words - even after years.
Should have moved to a Yorkshire village eccles......
The people in the village where I live are;
friendly, hospitable, neighbourly and extremely helpful in times of trouble.
Impossible to walk down any street without a hail of 'Hello's', and mostly a nag for half an hour. I once had 4 square metres of concrete delivered at short notice, and dumped at my gate. Within ten minutes there were five neighbours with wheelbarrows at my disposal to help me shift it. It did cost me quite a lot in beer money afterwards though...

Just five hundred yards at the top of the road there are endless fields and woods that stretch to infinity, some have small herds of sheep grazing and others are growing crops. In spring the sounds of skylark, blackbird, and hedge sparrow can be heard, and at other times crows, lapwings and pheasant. Just the other day as I jogged down the lane out in the country, I disturbed a fallow deer who sped off across an open field, and am regularly jeered at by squirrels, hares and rabbits that leap out in front of me and make fun of my sedentary pace as they leave me in their wake.....Yep, village and country life for me everytime...
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15-08-2020, 11:40 AM

Re: Village

Yes there certainly is. We live a couple of miles outside our wee village, but we are still part of Village life.
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15-08-2020, 12:22 PM

Re: Village

Yes, country life................
Kirriemuir was where i school I lived. The town was just 4,000 miles. Our house was another miles beyond that and a couple of miles a little further. Into the hills...............

Not quite village country.
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