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20-11-2011, 08:33 AM

Steak Pudding Sunday

Good morning folk

Dry and warmish for November, just coming light on our walk this morning and the slight fresh breeze clear the remnants of last nights alcohol from the head leaving one feeling ready for whatever the day may throw our way.

Plans for today are a visit to Tesco and Morrisons followed by a short walk along the shore with lunch(Steak pudding, mash and two veg)being had at home before visitors enlightening the afternoon and evening, that is why we are visiting Tesco and Morrisons to stock up the drinks cabinet.

Rosemary, I hope that your friend is OK and Loki.

Have a great day everyone and spare a moment or two
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20-11-2011, 09:31 AM

Re: Steak Pudding Sunday

Good morning AB and all who follow

A bright start here this morning, also dry and unusually mild for this time of year.

Nothing planned for today, although won't be cooking the usual roast dinner as we've gone meat free now.

Enjoy your day everyone
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20-11-2011, 10:03 AM

Re: Steak Pudding Sunday

Originally Posted by Berxer ->
Good morning AB and all who follow

A bright start here this morning, also dry and unusually mild for this time of year.

Nothing planned for today, although won't be cooking the usual roast dinner as we've gone meat free now.

Enjoy your day everyone

Tut, tut, tut Carmen darlin' - nothing like a good bit of roasted flesh with all the trimmings for a Sunday meal. Have a friend staying with me for a few days so am cooking a Full Xmas lunch - Turkey, roast potatoes, parnips, sprouts, carrots and swede and Xmas Pudding and Brandy sauce for afters.
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20-11-2011, 10:04 AM

Re: Steak Pudding Sunday

Good morning everyone thick fog here that is falling as drizzle and making everything wet and gloomy.

Not a lot planned today though I can't wait to try a new way of making bread I recently discovered. I have only got dried yeast so may decide to be patient and wait for the fresh to arrive to do the method justice.
There is as always plenty of cleaning to keep me busy .

Have a lovely day however you choose to spend it
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20-11-2011, 10:36 AM

Re: Steak Pudding Sunday

Good Morning Bob and All Many thanks Bob, she is heavily sedated and slept mostly thru' the visiting time! She looked so frail - self abuse! And, Loki and I are well. Not going today to visit - it is Loki time today. She is missing her long walks. Too dark when I get home from the hospital to take her out for a long walk (is dark about 4 pm now)! So long walks planned for today! Your meal sounds lovely, Bob! My mouth is watering! I have sweet and sour chicken to heat up (frozen variety) for my lunch!

Love those links, especially the 2nd one. Many thanks, Bob, for sharing.

Hope you all enjoy your Sunday and the weather stays fine for you all.

Take care
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20-11-2011, 12:01 PM

Re: Steak Pudding Sunday

Good morning all dry and mild here, no sign of the sun though..

More leaf clearing here, the trees are almost bare now ..... I always think that is a very depressing sight There is nothing better than seeing the leaf bud starting to swell on the trees again in Spring.

Roast chicken, roast potatoes (OH only) roast parsnips, carrots, sprouts and broccoli for lunch then a leisurely afternoon.

I'll be starting my Christmas shopping proper this coming week, going into town with my daughter tomorrow then hopefully hubby and I will be taking the train to Cardiff one day, they have a great shopping centre, quite a few covered malls so if the weather is bad, it doesn't matter.

Enjoy your day everyone!
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20-11-2011, 12:45 PM

Re: Steak Pudding Sunday

'morning all

Weather here is very mild, albeit overcast, very unusual for this time of year, lots of leaves to be cleared, otherwise don't think I'll spend too long outside, apart from the daily 'walkies' which we have to do at 3pm. We have tobe home before dark 'cos there's no street lighting the forrest

Have a good day all, se you next weekend.
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20-11-2011, 01:10 PM

Re: Steak Pudding Sunday

Good morning all. I have a lot planned for today. My friend, Warren, is coming over to hook my iMac to my 37" LCD TV before we head to his folk's home for Thanksgiving dinner. We'll be leaving there earlier than normal because his parents are leaving on a 3 a.m. flight to the Bahamas tomorrow morning. Have a great day all.
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20-11-2011, 01:16 PM

Re: Steak Pudding Sunday

Another beautiful day here, not a cloud in the sky Lovely walk with Bonnie on the marsh this morning. Lots of birds and ducks again and I also spotted 3 herons fishing. Also saw swans flying overhead. Strange but haven't seen any geese for a while!

Have to work late this afternoon otherwise I would have gone out into the Lakes.

Going to get the electric saw out later on as have run out of small logs for my stove so need to cut some of the bigger ones in half. If anybody is thinking of getting a fuel burner, don't get the smallest one like I was advised to as the logs are usually too big!!

Enjoy your day
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20-11-2011, 05:09 PM

Re: Steak Pudding Sunday

Hi everyone! Overcast and unseasonably warm: nearing 11:15 A M and 16℃ (61℉), no breeze. Rain supposedly this afternoon and thru Wednesday. Had a problem with my grocery delivery; they called when I was downstairs; apparently they hadn't checked that I had a new credit card number after the hacking problem, so as I wasn't there to give them the new one, the delivery was cancelled! Too late for today so won't come until tomorrow; very very annoying as it was their fault; they were apologetic about it, but that doesn't make it any less annoying. Oh well, that's really all that's happening. Shrimp creole for dinner.

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