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25-06-2018, 04:09 PM

Are there enough hours in the day for you?

For me, there aren't.

I posted a question about television viewing in the TV forum, but more generally I'm finding that there isn't enough time to watch all the TV programmes I've recorded, or read all the books I have.

I suppose it comes down to a matter of choice, I've got countless TV shows and movies to watch, thousands of books to read but find myself worrying that I'm missing out on something. I also rue that I've only got one tuner so can't watch one programme and record another unless I use my Fire Stick but then I am limited to watching catch-up TV whilst recording something else.

I've got plenty of time on my hands and am gutted that I can't go out much in this gorgeous weather - if I could do that, I think I would enjoy what I do watch on TV more, and would appreciate my books a lot more.

I'm a bit of a digital hoarder - since getting my TV at the end of May I already have many hours of recordings. And I still upload books I find - when I'll get round to reading and watching them all I don't know.

How do you manage your time - is there enough for all the activities you do? Perhaps you're still working and appreciate your down-time much more.

One of the few things I enjoy about hospital stays is the number of people I meet - nearly all of them are friendly and I like chatting to people and hearing about their lives.
Lion Queen
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25-06-2018, 04:47 PM

Re: Are there enough hours in the day for you?

There certainly isn't enough hours in a day for me, work steals time from me when I have so much i.d rather be getting on with. I have noticed the older I get the faster time goes, it will be Friday, I blink then it's Monday again!

I could do with an extra 5 to 10 hours a day at least, if only.
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25-06-2018, 04:55 PM

Re: Are there enough hours in the day for you?

I know I'm ill, and am restricted in getting out, but I feel there should be a better way of managing my time. I want to read more, but then there is something on TV I want to watch, or I get distracted by the internet.

Just yesterday I was reading a book on my iPad. I came across an unfamiliar word, googled it then was browsing the net for the next hour and a half or so. That's the beauty of non-connected ereaders: you can only look up the definition of a word - no internet to distract one.
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25-06-2018, 04:57 PM

Re: Are there enough hours in the day for you?

I want it to be simple like SI or metric. Ten hours in a day, 10 days in a week, 1000 weeks in a year - a kiloday...

Ever so slightly more seriously, I almost never watch television except F1 motorsport.
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25-06-2018, 04:59 PM

Re: Are there enough hours in the day for you?

I like my routines to be the same day in day out, it works well for me, although I realise others would find my days restrictive.
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25-06-2018, 05:01 PM

Re: Are there enough hours in the day for you?

I used to watch none for 7 years since I got rid of my last TV set but find that there are all sorts of things I like to watch, from some rubbish on Pick to more high-brow shows on BBC4.

I could do without the adverts, though, but wouldn't want to be restricted to the BBC.
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25-06-2018, 05:18 PM

Re: Are there enough hours in the day for you?



I am in a mess at the moment.

Exchange due Monday, my Meds have been messed up big time by the NHS.

My buyers are away on a Cruise, booked ages ago, gave power to their Solicitor to exchange, he is playing silly idiots.

If we do not Exchange Monday, I am away for my CT Scan and proceed Tuesday.

I am not dropping the price, so tough.

It will be start again time, but with the proviso his clients will have the chain broken and to avoid going into renting, they will have to buy another.

I will ban them from buying my house, end of.
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25-06-2018, 05:23 PM

Re: Are there enough hours in the day for you?

That sounds like a lot of hassle, swimfeeders. Hope everything works out well for you.
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25-06-2018, 09:23 PM

Re: Are there enough hours in the day for you?

I'm at a loss as to what to do now.

My TV is recording something so think I'll listen to some music. I've been going to bed far too early recently and waking up during the night.
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26-06-2018, 03:43 AM

Re: Are there enough hours in the day for you?

Ffosse, you could organise your day into priorities perhaps.
I know that you're staying indoors is a result of you not being very well, but you probably have more time on your hands than most on the forum to watch TV, read books etc than the majority of us on here. Keep some notes on what you want to watch most and put those programmes at the top of your agenda. Most programmes will be repeated anyway so they won't be lost.

Myself, I have barely any time at all during the day because I work nights.
For instance, this afternoon I have a haircut booked for 2pm and then I'm collecting my granddaughter from school after that. That is the end of my free time. Tomorrow I have some blood tests at 3pm, so that will be it too for Wednesday.
When I don't have anything booked, I'll be at the gym but I'm still watching the clock all the time but in this weather it's just nice to get outside in the sun instead and read a book. I've not been on the forum very much lately because who needs to be cooked up indoors stabbing at a keyboard to go on the net when they could be enjoying the sunshine?

On the TV front, I really only get time at weekends and then it's watching a DVD at night, but I don't miss TV that much.

Oh how I long to get back onto days!
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