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Fondly Remembered
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23-11-2016, 09:27 PM

What a Day

What a day,First I went to have a dressing changed at my GPs surgery, the nurse asked if I had more dressings at home , I said " No , you only gave me one","No way, there was more " she said ,I checked when I got home & NO she did not give me more ,I promised my son I would pick up his prescription,I forgot & came home without it.Later a letter arrived from a hospital to say they had changed my appt. from the 18th to 25th November, angrily I rang to complain, saying it was too long to wait, the receptionist said that the appt. for this Friday was still open ,did I want it " "Of course I do " I angrily replied " why have you changed it to the 25th ?" He was very nice & patient when he said " Friday is the 25th " The letter must have been an early one delayed,Was my face red. Then the phone went ,it was my SIL, sorry to tell me that Carl a,nephew, had died, during the following conversation I realised she was saying Charles, her brother. Not my day
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23-11-2016, 09:38 PM

Re: What a Day

Deylon, you poor thing! what a day indeed. It wouldn't be so bad if the powers that be would at least space such rotten things happening but to have all that in one day. GROAN!
Never mind, tomorrow's a new day, it can't possibly be as bad as you have had today.
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23-11-2016, 09:39 PM

Re: What a Day

Don't worry Deylon, you're not the only one! I went back into the vet's to complain that they hadn't put the flea drops I'd asked for in the bag with my dogs pills. they apologized and even gave me a free vial as the receptionist had accidentally put her nail through the foil.
I got home and found the original drops under the pill box in the bag!
I felt a right twit phoning and explaining!
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23-11-2016, 09:46 PM

Re: What a Day

I'm having to laugh at you here Daylon - I would probably not have known this Fridays date either...
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23-11-2016, 11:41 PM

Re: What a Day

I hope tomorrow is a better day for you deylon. My experience today will give you a giggle. Yesterday we collected our new car, well new to us. Itīs a Ford "something or other" estate car. Everything is so completely different to my dearly departed Mazda. However being brave I went out in the car, when I eventually managed to find which button on the key opened the door, (Iīm used to one button to open and one button to close). The previous owner must have been a gadget freak, there are some weird things in this car, one is called a parrot, evidently itīs something to do with hands free mobile phone, it wonīt get used.

All went well, I collected my friend and off we went to the boulevard. We had a great time in and out of the shops. Just as we were leaving to head back to the car a thunderstorm began and it was bucketing down. We got to the car, I couldnīt remember which button opened the doors, it was getting dark but the car park lights hadnīt yet come on and I couldnīt see the little signs on the buttons. Eventually managed to get the doors open and went to open the boot to put the shopping in. That went okay, then I had a problem. I couldnīt reach the boot lid to close it, neither could my friend, we are not exactly tall. We jumped up and down trying to reach it, no luck. We were eventually helped by a man coming back to his own car, who, when he had stopped laughing, shut it for me.

Iīve never had a car with a boot lid that goes up so high as this one. I think I need a chain or something attached to it to pull it down. We got back to my friendīs house and we had to get her husband to come and close it after we had taken her shopping out. He couldnīt stop laughing and said I should carry a box behind the front seats so I had something to stand on. My shopping (not food) is still in the car, because when I got back to our house there were builders working across the road and I couldnīt stand the embarrassment of entertaining a bunch of workmen. I wasnīt going to call Mr Clumsy to come and shut it, he would have been in hysterics too. So tomorrow Iīll try to come up with some excuse as to why my shopping is still in the car and Iīll have to practice doing the high jump.
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24-11-2016, 12:37 AM

Re: What a Day

Check the tailgate/boot lid Clumsy, sometimes they have a hand-hold so you can reach to shut the boot. I'd had my Kia Sportage for three weeks before I realised it had one.
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24-11-2016, 01:05 AM

Re: What a Day

Originally Posted by Judd ->
Check the tailgate/boot lid Clumsy, sometimes they have a hand-hold so you can reach to shut the boot. I'd had my Kia Sportage for three weeks before I realised it had one.
Oh thanks Judd, Iīll check that tomorrow. Honestly I felt such an idiot, jumping up and down in the pouring rain and absolutely no chance of reaching that boot lid
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24-11-2016, 08:14 AM

Re: What a Day

Clumsy, I hope you story made deylon laugh, as i know she isn't very well at the moment.
It certainly made me laugh, because I pictured the scene of the gentleman on the car park approaching 2 small ladies, who were soaked to the skin, jumping up and down to try and close the boot of the car.
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24-11-2016, 08:56 AM

Re: What a Day

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
Clumsy, I hope you story made deylon laugh, as i know she isn't very well at the moment.
It certainly made me laugh, because I pictured the scene of the gentleman on the car park approaching 2 small ladies, who were soaked to the skin, jumping up and down to try and close the boot of the car.
I hope it gave deylon a giggle too Twink. We must have looked a comical sight jumping up trying to reach the lid and failing miserably. This car was very obviously designed by a very tall man with arms like a Gorilla.
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24-11-2016, 09:20 AM

Re: What a Day

Originally Posted by clumsy ->
I hope it gave deylon a giggle too Twink. We must have looked a comical sight jumping up trying to reach the lid and failing miserably. This car was very obviously designed by a very tall man with arms like a Gorilla.
Perhaps you should trade in your little dog for a tall pet gorilla. Only joking!
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