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06-10-2018, 11:57 AM

Just Where ARE Our Police?

I was really disgusted reading about that poor woman who had her £700 bike stolen in South West London.
She telephoned the police to report the theft and they suggested she keep a check online with sites such as Gumtree as that is where thieves usually try their luck with sales and to get back to them if she sees it for sale. She did just that and lo and behold, there was her precious bike up for sale. She immediately phoned the police back who told her to get the sellers name and address and then contact them to make an appointment to view the bike. a police officer would then accompany her to retrieve her bike.

After she managed to make an appointment at the sellers address, she phoned the police as told, only to be informed that they were too busy to go with her!!!.

This lady had to go ahead and meet up with the thief at his address. She said she drove over there and parked her car on a side road a few streets away. She also said she was terrified, especially as the thief invited her to come into his home several times, which she declined. The thief actually had dozens of other expensive bikes stashed there.

Somehow, she cleverly pursuaded the thief to let her take a test ride on her stolen bike, helped by leaving her “empty” bag with him as security. She said her heart was pounding as she rode off down the road, anxiously looking behind her to see if she was being followed. When she realised she wasn’t, she said she sped off hell for leather. She went to a local grocery shop and they kindly allowed her to leave the bike there at the shop so she could go and get her car.

As soon as she got back home, she telephoned the police and told them everything.

Response? We don’t have the time or resources to follow this up. Besides, she had no proof.

When the Daily Mail phoned for their comment? The same excuse, No arrests made!

What on earth is going on? It really looks as though we are on our own when it comes to crime! It is a national disgrace how we are being left to fend for ourselves.

Do you think this is acceptable? Anything could have happened to that poor, but very brave woman.
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06-10-2018, 12:09 PM

Re: Just Where ARE Our Police?

It's an absolute disgrace. What are they too busy with I wonder? (as if we don't know).
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06-10-2018, 12:20 PM

Re: Just Where ARE Our Police?


Police numbers have been savaged and their priorities changed.

Like have targets to meet on Hate Crimes etc.

I do not know any Police Officer who is happy with the present state of affairs.

They have to deal with horrible people like this.

Locally they are also having to cope with some very stupid changes made by the Home Office.

Monkmoor Police Station is 5 minutes from the Magistrates Court in Shrewsbury.

If someone is arrested and needs remanding, a common occurrence, the arresting officers now have to take them to Kidderminster, over 40 miles away and await their turn.

That is a day lost for them.

It is sheer madness.
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06-10-2018, 12:35 PM

Re: Just Where ARE Our Police?

That is dreadful, Shroppy. That poor woman was both clever, and brave.

I myself have an ongoing police problem still not finished with, and that's been dragging on for the last 11 months!!

I do despair for people needing help now.
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06-10-2018, 12:59 PM

Re: Just Where ARE Our Police?

It really is scary isn't it Mups? I do hope you get your own troubles sorted with them soon. I bet you feel like banging your head against the wall with frustration.

Dear Lord, I often get accused by some on here of wanting to return "to the good old days," Well in the case of the police non-action nowadays, YES, I most certainly do!!

It's just a distant memory now of the day's when I was playing Rounders on the green outside my home and accidentally smashed a lamppost light whilst hitting the ball. I was so terrified of a police visit (which was the norm when it came to "criminal damage") I didn't leave the house for two whole days, fearing every knock on the door would be a policeman coming to arrest me.

Of course, I fully appreciate that police nowadays have to prioritise crimes committed, but to just ignore that woman when she had every bit of evidence that they would need to nab that thief, and to ignore it, is absolutely deplorable.
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06-10-2018, 01:09 PM

Re: Just Where ARE Our Police?

Police? I had to google that.

the civil force of a state, responsible for the prevention and detection of crime and the maintenance of public order.
As rare as rocking horse shit in this part of the world.
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06-10-2018, 01:28 PM

Re: Just Where ARE Our Police?

I do resent the fact sometimes that the council taxes we pay towards policing seems to be spent on the large towns and cities with West Mercia Police.
I live in the Shires and crimes, which were once non-existent, seem to be occurring all to often now. Murder, Rape, Assault, Robbery with violence, Armed Robbery of Tobacconists and rural Post Offices, Theft, especially on farms and farm buildings, it all seems to be a regular occurrence here now, the only thing I have omitted are the Police!! I cannot recall the last time I saw one!! apart when they go flying past, 2 to a car, with their sirons blasting and blue lights flashing. They no longer seem to have any community bobbies (even specials) around.

It looks as though we really on our own when it comes to crime actually being committed at the time. If I had to ring for the police, I wouldn't hold my breath that they would be there at breakneck speed as they once did.
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06-10-2018, 01:35 PM

Re: Just Where ARE Our Police?

It's a wonder the cops didn't prosecute the woman for stealing her bike back!
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06-10-2018, 01:39 PM

Re: Just Where ARE Our Police?

Just where are our pandas?
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06-10-2018, 02:13 PM

Re: Just Where ARE Our Police?

Austerity, we are all in it together, you know?
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