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30-10-2015, 07:18 PM

Victims of Crime

It said on the news tonight that Cambridgeshire Police are now not coming out to interview victims of minor crimes in future.

The Police say they want victims now, to either talk to the police over Skype, or over the phone, or else they must go to the police station themselves.

They showed an elderley man who had been badly beaten and mugged and the police just phoned him to tell him about the court case instead of going to visit him and explain, and make sure he understood.

Personally, I think this is terrible, and not progress at it's best at all.
What about all the old folks who have never even heard of Skype or haven't got a computer? What about people with impaired hearing who can't hear well enough on a telephone?
I would certainly want and expect to talk to the police in person if I had been victimised - not over flippin' Skype, especially if I was upset.

Would you mind talking on Skype instead of a policeman visiting if you were a victim of crime?
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30-10-2015, 07:37 PM

Re: Victims of Crime

That is just awful news
What a right mess we live in
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30-10-2015, 07:45 PM

Re: Victims of Crime

If you cut the funding for the Police and expect half of the
men and women of the Police to do the same jobs, you are
bound to get this sort of conclusion.

You cant particularly blame the Police if their funding is cut.

It is now a forward thinking society and the old have been left
behind it all I agree to that. If they Skype you then you will
be talking to a policeman or woman. When you think that children
can Skype or use the internet then the older of the society should
be learning it and stay in touch.

I was born in the 1940's and I can do Skype etc. We have to keep
up with the very forward kind of society we now live in or we will
be left behind. Takes time to learn I agree but we have to do it
to survive in this era.

I think the wont visit is for not so important kind of crime not
for every kind of horrible crime.
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30-10-2015, 07:57 PM

Re: Victims of Crime

Wouldn't blame the police for the funding cuts, they have to prioritise - just a shame that we are seeing less and less of the police, when really they are needed most
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30-10-2015, 09:51 PM

Re: Victims of Crime

And its going to get worse the Bobbie on the beat will soon be a thing of the past. I heard this on the radio a few days ago.
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31-10-2015, 09:54 AM

Re: Victims of Crime

Originally Posted by Docholliday ->
And its going to get worse the Bobbie on the beat will soon be a thing of the past. I heard this on the radio a few days ago.
Yes I was referring to that also
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31-10-2015, 10:03 AM

Re: Victims of Crime

Well I am glad we had a lovely police lady come out when Tasha was raped, she managed to put her at ease enough to take her to the hospital and the police station, stayed with her through out it all that day. And she called round the next day to check on her too. Without that initial help Tasha would not have gone to court and that man would have never been caught.

They will be cutting crime numbers with this as people won't bother reporting crimes.
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31-10-2015, 10:15 AM

Re: Victims of Crime

Surely they will continue to do so for serious crime
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31-10-2015, 01:28 PM

Re: Victims of Crime

[QUOTE=[B]Patsy;732329]Surely they will continue to do so for serious crime[[/B]/QUOTE]

I believe that so far, they are saying they will still come out for more serious crimes, but I suspect that could be a 'grey area' Patsy. It's always 'serious' to the poor victim.

I know if I was frightened or upset it wouldn't be much comfort talking on Skype, I'd much prefer having someone actually with me.
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31-10-2015, 01:37 PM

Re: Victims of Crime

Originally Posted by [B
Patsy;732329]Surely they will continue to do so for serious crime[[/B]/QUOTE]

I believe that so far, they are saying they will still come out for more serious crimes, but I suspect that could be a 'grey area' Patsy. It's always 'serious' to the poor victim.
I know if I was frightened or upset it wouldn't be much comfort talking on Skype, I'd much prefer having someone actually with me.
Yes - very true
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