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31-01-2019, 11:32 AM

The Meaning of life....

From chips to the Meaning of life

Do you ever feel you are tantalisingly close to understanding what life is all about and realising how great it is to be alive?
I suspect it is what these people who have a near death experiences and suddenly realise what they should be doing with their lives, I have seen a few on the Ben Fogle "Lives in the Wild" series who experience some sort of traumatic event in their life and it just changes their complete outlook on life and what they should be doing, so many of us work all our lives and retire too late to enjoy it.
I don't want to end up quitting work too late with a pot of money I am in no position to enjoy due to health and age reasons.....the money from working is nice but the five weeks a year I get off is not much time to enjoy it really, still I suppose I am better off than a lot of people.
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31-01-2019, 12:14 PM

Re: The Meaning of life....

Since I lost my OH. I am realising more & more that life is too short. I am the same age now as he was when he died, 3 years ago & it scares me at times. I am reasonably healthy so far, luckilly. I do enjoy life. I go out with my daughter a lot & with friends, I like bird watching & visiting car boots & fairs. I also read a lot too, I love to read.
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31-01-2019, 01:02 PM

Re: The Meaning of life....

Very deep Col.
Live each day as it is your last, none of us know.
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31-01-2019, 01:23 PM

Re: The Meaning of life....

Originally Posted by Sweetie pie ->
Very deep Col.
Live each day as it is your last, none of us know.
Well it can not all just be tattie peelings
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31-01-2019, 01:24 PM

Re: The Meaning of life....

Originally Posted by Tiffany ->
Since I lost my OH. I am realising more & more that life is too short. I am the same age now as he was when he died, 3 years ago & it scares me at times. I am reasonably healthy so far, luckilly. I do enjoy life. I go out with my daughter a lot & with friends, I like bird watching & visiting car boots & fairs. I also read a lot too, I love to read.
Maybe that is all it is about, just enjoying it as much as possible....
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31-01-2019, 01:26 PM

Re: The Meaning of life....

The meaning of life? More like.... the survival of the fittest!
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31-01-2019, 01:39 PM

Re: The Meaning of life....

This is the kind of conversations me and my girlfriends like to chat about over a nice bottle of wine sharing our wisdom and thoughts. Our chats go on for hours and of course we never have the answers but enjoy sharing and listening .

As ive become older i look at life through wiser eyes and listen more with hearing ears . Im not inclined to talk as much as im bored with my own voice so i like hearing peoples life stories much more than my own , unless im asked of course .

Ive learned that everyone has an incredible story to listen to.
Ive learned that im the only one i can depend on
Ive learned many people will come into and leave my life
Ive learned not to be lonely and to feel comfortable in being myself

For me its been a journey of learning in lifes university , that i was never anymore special then anyone else , i know this human life is a very small part of my existance and there will be more

I love the way as an older person i can see life around me repeating itself , i look into the eyes of my beautiful grandaughtets and see my past

Theres more , so much more , but its nice to share it with my girlies and a bottle of wine
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31-01-2019, 02:17 PM

Re: The Meaning of life....

Life means different things to different people Colin....
Some are happy to plod along, and as long as they remain in good health with no mobility issues life is good.....

Some make bucket lists of the things they'd like to do before they pass on...
Some like to live life in the fast lane, but in my opinion the longer you travel in the 'Fast Lane' the sooner you get to the other end.....

Some on here are at the younger end and are probably still in gainful employment [like yourself Colin] and no doubt their meaning of life will be different from those who are older and retired [like me]...

We have five senses [some believe we have more] and these are our interface with the world around us, so keep any one or more of those stimulated by whatever means; Scenery, a movie or a good book, Music or the sound of someone's voice, A Tasty Meal, a mug of Yorkshire Tea, The smell of the person you love [perhaps their special perfume] or it could be just the smell of a new car or home, or the feel of silk against the skin, the hug or handshake from a friend, or just making love.....

All these things and more make up what life means to each of us. We are very fortunate here in the UK, we probably have many more choices of stimulation than say, a poor country....But in my opinion, just being able to have the time to look around and appreciate the more simple things that the world has to offer is boss.

A sunrise or sunset, a field of buttercups, the smell of new mown grass, the wind making ripples on a field of corn, an angry sea breaking over the rocks, the exhilaration of climbing a mountain and the view from the summit, the relaxing sound of a waterfall, and the silence of country, away from the maddening crowd on a warm and still sunny summers afternoon....And sleeping in a warm bed when it's fierce outside...Or sleeping in a warm bed when it's not fierce fact! Just sleeping..
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31-01-2019, 02:32 PM

Re: The Meaning of life....

Originally Posted by DWebb ->
Maybe that is all it is about, just enjoying it as much as possible....
I think that is exactly it and it's a case of what makes you happy personally, whatever it is. The older I get the more I realise that there is no meaning to life, not really. We just have to fill it with whatever we enjoy.
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31-01-2019, 02:34 PM

Re: The Meaning of life....

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
Life means different things to different people Colin....
Some are happy to plod along, and as long as they remain in good health with no mobility issues life is good.....

Some make bucket lists of the things they'd like to do before they pass on...
Some like to live life in the fast lane, but in my opinion the longer you travel in the 'Fast Lane' the sooner you get to the other end.....

Some on here are at the younger end and are probably still in gainful employment [like yourself Colin] and no doubt their meaning of life will be different from those who are older and retired [like me]...

We have five senses [some believe we have more] and these are our interface with the world around us, so keep any one or more of those stimulated by whatever means; Scenery, a movie or a good book, Music or the sound of someone's voice, A Tasty Meal, a mug of Yorkshire Tea, The smell of the person you love [perhaps their special perfume] or it could be just the smell of a new car or home, or the feel of silk against the skin, the hug or handshake from a friend, or just making love.....

All these things and more make up what life means to each of us. We are very fortunate here in the UK, we probably have many more choices of stimulation than say, a poor country....But in my opinion, just being able to have the time to look around and appreciate the more simple things that the world has to offer is boss.

A sunrise or sunset, a field of buttercups, the smell of new mown grass, the wind making ripples on a field of corn, an angry sea breaking over the rocks, the exhilaration of climbing a mountain and the view from the summit, the relaxing sound of a waterfall, and the silence of country, away from the maddening crowd on a warm and still sunny summers afternoon....And sleeping in a warm bed when it's fierce outside...Or sleeping in a warm bed when it's not fierce fact! Just sleeping..
That is where I tend to feel happiest and most at peace these days, amongst nature and away from crowds and people, one reason I really love the Australian outback and the American deserts
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