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18-07-2011, 09:07 AM

My goodness it's Monday

Morning all , here we are again back to Monday , it seems to come around so quickly .

It is grey and miserable here this morning and quite cool, still not much rain though so on with the watering .

Have a lovely day whatever you are doing...
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18-07-2011, 09:39 AM

Re: My goodness it's Monday

Morning Meg et al.

Mopped and shopped already and enjoying my coffee before I prepare lunch.
Walkies with Oscar after lunch and then relax with a book methinks...

Enjoy your day all,

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18-07-2011, 09:50 AM

Re: My goodness it's Monday

Morning soggy friends

It's been tippling it down here since Saturday night and all the plants are looking bushy and weighted with water.

The garden needs it ... I've had enough of it by now .. so i'm praying for the sun to come back

Menawhile...... I have my feet up with a cuppa.
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18-07-2011, 10:01 AM

Re: My goodness it's Monday

Oh where did the weekend go.
I was looking forward to sitting in the garden, eating my meals out there in the bright sunshine and being at peace, what did we get instead tipping it down with rain all weekend, and now back at work.
Oh well soon be weekend again so fingers crossed.
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18-07-2011, 11:06 AM

Re: My goodness it's Monday

Good morning all. I had a nice visit with friends for dinner last night. It seems everyone is heading out on vacation this week. My best friend, Warren, & his dad, Richard, are heading out on their motorcycles for a grand ride to Yellowstone National Park. That's another item on my "Bucket List" for a visit.

It's Monday already and I leave on my trip Wednesday. All is ready as I tie up loose ends. I'm renewing my apartment lease today as well as paying this month's rent that would have come due while I'm out of state. I was so pleased to hear that they're keeping my rent the same on this new yearly lease. On a fixed income it's never good to get an increase in bills.

It's supposed to get to 81F, 27C and be dry today. That might make it seem a bit more like Summer. It's been raining for the past two days and quite chilly. It will be quite a shock to get into temperatures over 100F, 37C this coming week while on vacation.

Congratulations to Darren Clarke of Northern Ireland for his win at the British Open this weekend. Conditions there were rough, to put it mildly. Have a great day all.
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18-07-2011, 11:46 AM

Re: My goodness it's Monday

Good morning all, looks like most of us had a washed up weekend, it's weather like this prepares you for Winter...But in July!. I've got the sniffles, hope I'm not coming down with something.
Bob, have the holiday of a lifetime.
Take good care of yourselves Folks and don't let the weather get you down.
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18-07-2011, 12:09 PM

Re: My goodness it's Monday

Good afternoon my friends, I'm late today, had Missy at the vets for a check up after having 2 teeth out last Monday. I have no car now so I'm glad to be sitting. A 9lb odd, cat gets heavier the further it's carried..

Enjoy your day everyone.
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18-07-2011, 12:52 PM

Re: My goodness it's Monday

Yet another cold, wet, windy, miserable day here as well. It hasn't stopped raining since Saturday. I'm dressed in winter clothing and will be putting on my boots in five minutes and drive myself to work.

Roll on the weekend again when hopefully we'll get a bit of sunshine.
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18-07-2011, 01:29 PM

Re: My goodness it's Monday

Originally Posted by jemflux ->
Good morning all, looks like most of us had a washed up weekend, it's weather like this prepares you for Winter...But in July!. I've got the sniffles, hope I'm not coming down with something.
Bob, have the holiday of a lifetime.
Take good care of yourselves Folks and don't let the weather get you down.
Jem it actually feels like Autumn here his morning the dry weather has turned some leaves brown and the wind is blowing them off the trees. We need a lot more rain here . Have a hot toddy for the sniffles .
Originally Posted by Nuttygran ->
Good afternoon my friends, I'm late today, had Missy at the vets for a check up after having 2 teeth out last Monday. I have no car now so I'm glad to be sitting. A 9lb odd, cat gets heavier the further it's carried..
Enjoy your day everyone.
Iris I hope Missy's mouth has healed ok , it must be difficult having to carry a cat any distance.
Originally Posted by Mollie ->
Yet another cold, wet, windy, miserable day here as well. It hasn't stopped raining since Saturday. I'm dressed in winter clothing and will be putting on my boots in five minutes and drive myself to work.

Roll on the weekend again when hopefully we'll get a bit of sunshine.
Mollie it sounds worse where you are, at least if the weather is bad you won't be missing out stuck at work . How many days do you work , I hope you have a good week.
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18-07-2011, 02:11 PM

Re: My goodness it's Monday

Afternoon all, typical British summer weather here too, rain, cool and miserable ...... what a shame for those on holiday in this country Hopefully it will warm up before we go to Devon in just over two weeks.

Went into town this morning, had a bit of business to attend to then popped into M & S for a coffee.

Enjoy your day everyone!
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