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30-09-2018, 11:02 AM

An audience with

I was at a relative's 90th birthday party yesterday
There were many people there. Some I hadn't seen for20 years or maybe longer
After we had eaten I kept on being summoned..
"Rhian, Auntie *** wants you to go and see her"
"Rhian if you don't mind, cousin **** wants to have a chat with you"
"Oh Rhian, Mr **** says, can you go and speak to him... You remember him don't you?"

It made me chuckle thinking about it afterwards. Ok Auntie*** has got bad knees..but the others could quite easily have walked over to me for a chat!
At what age do you think that people can be bold enough to start summoning people over to entertain them?!!
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30-09-2018, 11:41 AM

Re: An audience with

Right now, Rhian !
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30-09-2018, 11:44 AM

Re: An audience with

Are you saying you do it Tabs or...
Was that an order?!!!!
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30-09-2018, 11:50 AM

Re: An audience with

Originally Posted by Rhian ->
Are you saying you do it Tabs or...
Was that an order?!!!!
LOL! As if !!

Occasionally at family gatherings I have asked someone to come and talk to me - especially if I have had a bout of the creaky knees. My Grandma was the best - she held court!
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30-09-2018, 12:24 PM

Re: An audience with

Some years ago I stopped all that walking around at party's thanks to my dear departed sister in law. Every time I turned up at a function I was given a plate of food and drinks and a table and family and friends all came to me and sat down we talked they moved on and some one else filled the seats. It actually became a standing joke.But she was a lovely lass and her heart was in the right place, now my bro in law as taken over from her.

So Rhian my advice is to find yourself a table sit down and let the world come to you girl.
It makes life so much easier I can tell you.
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30-09-2018, 12:29 PM

Re: An audience with

I was at a Birthday Party too yesterday Rhian,,, my daughters birthday. Isn't it amazing how folks congregate in the kitchen at parties? I tend to mix and mingle this sounds terrible but I know the ones to avoid
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30-09-2018, 12:32 PM

Re: An audience with

Originally Posted by longfellow ->
Some years ago I stopped all that walking around at party's thanks to my dear departed sister in law. Every time I turned up at a function I was given a plate of food and drinks and a table and family and friends all came to me and sat down we talked they moved on and some one else filled the seats. It actually became a standing joke.But she was a lovely lass and her heart was in the right place, now my bro in law as taken over from her.

So Rhian my advice is to find yourself a table sit down and let the world come to you girl.
It makes life so much easier I can tell you.
I'll give it a try Longfellow
But I don't hold out much hope going on yesterday's experience!
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30-09-2018, 12:35 PM

Re: An audience with

Originally Posted by summer ->
I was at a Birthday Party too yesterday Rhian,,, my daughters birthday. Isn't it amazing how folks congregate in the kitchen at parties? I tend to mix and mingle this sounds terrible but I know the ones to avoid
Ah yes "those to avoid"! They have a habit of cornering people when they least expect it don't they!

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