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23-07-2014, 12:38 PM

Clothes To Die For

Did anyone see this docu ?
It was harrowing to watch and incredibly sad.
The disaster last year of the clothes factory collapse in Bangladesh.
They make our clothes, work very long hours for a pittance.
For this, they work in sub standard conditions - not all, but a lot do. This particular factory was hastily erected, not satisfied with the outcome the owner decided on 3 extra storeys, the whole building was shoddily built.
When a crack was noticed in one of the pillars and ceiling, it made news there. This warning of possible collapse was ignored by the greedy owner and the next day - it collapsed.
The girls were so sweet and lovely, one in particular was only concerned for her sister and although badly injured and trapped, her sisters welfare was paramount.
The rescuer told her he couldn't reach to amputate her arm, she would have to do this herself. Which she did - unfortunately her sister had already passed - so very sad.
I felt their sorrow and I was angry at our companies for not doing more. The money they have paid out in compensation they should have paid in the first place to ensure the workers were safe.
They are 'now' going to do this .......
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23-07-2014, 01:23 PM

Re: Clothes To Die For

Originally Posted by Patsy ->
Did anyone see this docu ?
It was harrowing to watch and incredibly sad.
The disaster last year of the clothes factory collapse in Bangladesh.
They make our clothes, work very long hours for a pittance.
For this, they work in sub standard conditions - not all, but a lot do. This particular factory was hastily erected, not satisfied with the outcome the owner decided on 3 extra storeys, the whole building was shoddily built.
When a crack was noticed in one of the pillars and ceiling, it made news there. This warning of possible collapse was ignored by the greedy owner and the next day - it collapsed.
The girls were so sweet and lovely, one in particular was only concerned for her sister and although badly injured and trapped, her sisters welfare was paramount.
The rescuer told her he couldn't reach to amputate her arm, she would have to do this herself. Which she did - unfortunately her sister had already passed - so very sad.
I felt their sorrow and I was angry at our companies for not doing more. The money they have paid out in compensation they should have paid in the first place to ensure the workers were safe.
They are 'now' going to do this .......
Sounds like a severe case of capitalism to me. That's what its about - exploitation and to hell with workers rights. And this is just what the Tories and their ilk want to happen here. That's why they're on again about stopping the right to strike, cutting 'red tape' (ie. health and safety laws), and cutting back on/privatising our health service. People who care about Bangladesh etc need to stop buying the cheap clothes that are churned out there - so cheap that our disposable society just chucks the stuff away after a couple of wears and buys more. But do we REALLY care?
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23-07-2014, 01:45 PM

Re: Clothes To Die For

I hope we do - I do
I buy my clothes from these stores, couldn't afford to do otherwise.
Why should 'we' be made to feel guilty, we are giving these people work - No, its the stores themselves that should hang their heads - they, should give these workers good working conditions and wage.
All I can do is protest strongly - and I will
I am pleased the programme was aired - these owners had to sit up and put compensation in place and a pledge for better working conditions.
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23-07-2014, 01:45 PM

Re: Clothes To Die For

I didn't see it but I can guess how it went, it's main reason years ago I started making my own clothes, I won't support these cruel practices. Kids have all been taught to be individuals too and none of them buy cheap mass produced clothing, prefer vintage or military wear (depending on which child we are talking about).
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23-07-2014, 01:49 PM

Re: Clothes To Die For

That's good Julie
I will continue, these people 'need' this work, I am hoping enough people make a protest - I'm about to contact 38 degrees, see if they can help here .......
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23-07-2014, 01:52 PM

Re: Clothes To Die For

That's the biggest problem I am never sure if I help not supporting the practices or if I would do more good buying from them. All I can do is what feels best as I can't seem to find an absolute answer to the question.
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23-07-2014, 02:27 PM

Re: Clothes To Die For

Originally Posted by Patsy ->
I hope we do - I do
I buy my clothes from these stores, couldn't afford to do otherwise.
Why should 'we' be made to feel guilty, we are giving these people work - No, its the stores themselves that should hang their heads - they, should give these workers good working conditions and wage.
All I can do is protest strongly - and I will
I am pleased the programme was aired - these owners had to sit up and put compensation in place and a pledge for better working conditions.
Do we know which stores are involved, Patsy? Would it help to write to them/boycott them ?
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23-07-2014, 02:30 PM

Re: Clothes To Die For

Originally Posted by Patsy ->
I hope we do - I do
I buy my clothes from these stores, couldn't afford to do otherwise.
Why should 'we' be made to feel guilty, we are giving these people work - No, its the stores themselves that should hang their heads - they, should give these workers good working conditions and wage.
All I can do is protest strongly - and I will
I am pleased the programme was aired - these owners had to sit up and put compensation in place and a pledge for better working conditions.
You (western society) get the clothes cheap precisely because of the conditions these poor people have to endure. Higher wages & better conditions = higher prices to the consumer. Its not about guilt; if you want to be practical and help, don't buy the clothes, register your protest so the owners know why, and buy ethically produced products that may cost more but will last longer and may be valued more by the owner. No one values cheap goods. Expecting shop and factory owners to care while you do nothing yourself is about as futile as it gets.
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23-07-2014, 02:55 PM

Re: Clothes To Die For

Originally Posted by manasota ->
You (western society) get the clothes cheap precisely because of the conditions these poor people have to endure. Higher wages & better conditions = higher prices to the consumer. Its not about guilt; if you want to be practical and help, don't buy the clothes, register your protest so the owners know why, and buy ethically produced products that may cost more but will last longer and may be valued more by the owner. No one values cheap goods. Expecting shop and factory owners to care while you do nothing yourself is about as futile as it gets.
Big problem there is many in this country don't earn enough to not buy the cheapies though, even fabric is more expensive than some of the stuff in the shops. An example of that would be recent school uniform, I could make a dress and cardigan for about £15 but I can buy a ready made one for £8 and no work involved for me. So why would I pay £15 when I only earn £6.50 an hour myself ?
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23-07-2014, 03:04 PM

Re: Clothes To Die For

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
Big problem there is many in this country don't earn enough to not buy the cheapies though, even fabric is more expensive than some of the stuff in the shops. An example of that would be recent school uniform, I could make a dress and cardigan for about £15 but I can buy a ready made one for £8 and no work involved for me. So why would I pay £15 when I only earn £6.50 an hour myself ?
I understand that Julie. All I'm saying is that we do have a choice. And whatever we do as individuals, has a real impact for the exploitation of these people. An option to buy the cheap clothing results in the continued oppression of a Bangladeshi garment worker. Because they are working 15 hour days for absolute starvation wages in appalling conditions you wouldn't keep a pet dog in. And even worse, its children as well as adults who are exploited. Some will say that without this 'work' they would starve; I think that is a figleaf to cover the guilt and justify our love of cheap goods.
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