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26-06-2014, 01:22 AM

General Election

I cannot decide who to vote for in the up coming General Election.
As I see it, if your on benifits you vote for labour, if you own a company and a little more self relient, you for the Tories. Me being in the middle, I have no where to place my X.
In all my years politicians have never been of any benifit to me, each Budget, they have taken more from me, as I scramble up the slippery slop, each year they manage to push me back a little.

Please give me a reason to get off my butt and get down to the poling station.
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26-06-2014, 01:59 AM

Re: General Election

Originally Posted by Deepwater ->
I cannot decide who to vote for in the up coming General Election.
As I see it, if your on benifits you vote for labour, if you own a company and a little more self relient, you for the Tories. Me being in the middle, I have no where to place my X.
In all my years politicians have never been of any benifit to me, each Budget, they have taken more from me, as I scramble up the slippery slop, each year they manage to push me back a little.

Please give me a reason to get off my butt and get down to the poling station.
Your ancestors fought (and some died) to give you the right to vote. Hundreds of millions of people round the world still don't have that right. You, DONT have the right to chuck away what cost so much because you cant be bothered. Voting protects us and future generations against tyranny.
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26-06-2014, 02:05 AM

Re: General Election

There again we can always freely vote that tyranny in.

I've done my bit for the country and I'll choose if I will vote or not.

Those fought and paid for freedoms in this country, would not reconise it now, and doubt if they had a voice, they would be happy with their sacrifice.

Before you berate me, I have lost family members & friends in the pursuit of so called freedoms.
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26-06-2014, 02:45 AM

Re: General Election

Originally Posted by Deepwater ->
There again we can always freely vote that tyranny in.

I've done my bit for the country and I'll choose if I will vote or not.

Those fought and paid for freedoms in this country, would not reconise it now, and doubt if they had a voice, they would be happy with their sacrifice.

Before you berate me, I have lost family members & friends in the pursuit of so called freedoms.
So who hasn't? And my dad is still alive who gave his best years fighting the Nazis. And still votes at every election. So don't give me that rubbish. Voting is too important to throw away because some people who should know better, become all bitter and apathetic in their old age. Vote for someone you least object to.
If you don't use it, you risk losing it. And that means future generations having to tart all over again. Get a grip!
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26-06-2014, 03:44 AM

Re: General Election

Originally Posted by manasota ->
So who hasn't? And my dad is still alive who gave his best years fighting the Nazis. And still votes at every election. So don't give me that rubbish. Voting is too important to throw away because some people who should know better, become all bitter and apathetic in their old age. Vote for someone you least object to.
If you don't use it, you risk losing it. And that means future generations having to tart all over again. Get a grip!
Thats the point I object to them all in equal amounts.

I want someone who worked for a living, who has had the hard knocks and fought their way though it.

Not wimpey career politicians, who would be walked over in anyother career.
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26-06-2014, 07:24 AM

Re: General Election

Originally Posted by Deepwater ->
Thats the point I object to them all in equal amounts.

I want someone who worked for a living, who has had the hard knocks and fought their way though it.

Not wimpey career politicians, who would be walked over in anyother career.

Then vote Nazi !!!
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26-06-2014, 07:40 AM

Re: General Election

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
Then vote Nazi !!!

Good idea, have to sort some camping gear out.

It was a nice uniform and the march, well nothing a good goose step in the early hours.
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26-06-2014, 08:24 AM

Re: General Election

Sometimes promoting someone with the same aspiration and experience as yourself can mean you share the same pit, albeit with a friend.
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Alan Cooke
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26-06-2014, 08:40 AM

Re: General Election

I'll have a problem in deciding at the next election. I've always voted either the Liberal candidate (but no longer until they smarten their ideas up) or labour (but their present leader comes across as being weak) but our current Tory MP is a very good chap who is no "follow my leader" type of MP and who does a lot of good work in his constituency. Maybe I'll betray my roots and vote Tory.
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26-06-2014, 09:30 AM

Re: General Election

How things are at the moment, why should I vote when I don't like any of 'em? I will vote when somebody impresses me enough to, and I don't care what anybody else lectures me about either.
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