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10-05-2014, 06:04 PM

I am voting UKIP..does that make me a racist?

I have never, ever thought of voting for UKIP..

However.I am sick of my nationality..roots..being reviled..

I am white English..does that make me a racist??

And why should my own country make me feel ashamed for flying the Union Jack??

I have plenty of immigrant friends....but I read a poll about second or third generation immigrants..60% of them were against any more immigrants coming into Britain..

They have fears for their children's education..future housing..and jobs..

Is this racist??

Or is it just the white indigenous race that have been cowered??
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10-05-2014, 06:39 PM

Re: I am voting UKIP..does that make me a racist?

Yes it does make you racist and nationalist to boot. Nasty combination in my opinion.

Fears for children's education, future housing and jobs is nothing to do with immigration but a tax system and public funding system that favours the rich and private sector.

Given our cruel racist past i.e colonialism, the sending missionaries overseas, plundering other nations of their natural resources, - I could go on but I won't - I think we have a lot to be shameful for and it'll be many years before we can hold our head up.
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10-05-2014, 06:46 PM

Re: I am voting UKIP..does that make me a racist?

No lilac, I don't believe it makes you racist. I'm voting UKIP I'm not racist either and if anyone thinks I am, tough!
I believe we're very tolerant in this country but with the recession and everything that's followed it, it really is time to put Britain and it's indigenous population first.
We can't be all things to all people.

As for flags, try telling the French to take down their flags!!! They fly theirs from most public buildings and why not?
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10-05-2014, 06:55 PM

Re: I am voting UKIP..does that make me a racist?

Originally Posted by Baxter8 ->
Yes it does make you racist and nationalist to boot. Nasty combination in my opinion.

Fears for children's education, future housing and jobs is nothing to do with immigration but a tax system and public funding system that favours the rich and private sector.

Given our cruel racist past i.e colonialism, the sending missionaries overseas, plundering other nations of their natural resources, - I could go on but I won't - I think we have a lot to be shameful for and it'll be many years before we can hold our head up.
So how long do you think that will be??

My family never had any black slaves..

We were slaves ourselves 200 years ago..children sent up chimneys..agricultural workers living in hedges??

Above all..don't forget the workhouse!!
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10-05-2014, 06:56 PM

Re: I am voting UKIP..does that make me a racist?

It's a fact that ardent europhiles call anyone that doesn't share their ideology a racist just to close down the debate. We've needed a sensible immigration policy for many years since joining the EU but have never been allowed one. It's not racist but common sense to limit immigration to maintain standards of living for the people already resident. One day it will have to be stopped when we are down to the last square yard (not metre) of green field so why wait until then? Curb immigration now with sensible policies as used by many other countries in the world. You know it makes sense.

Oh and yes, I'm voting Ukip too....
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10-05-2014, 07:01 PM

Re: I am voting UKIP..does that make me a racist?

Originally Posted by cranberry ->
No lilac, I don't believe it makes you racist. I'm voting UKIP I'm not racist either and if anyone thinks I am, tough!
I believe we're very tolerant in this country but with the recession and everything that's followed it, it really is time to put Britain and it's indigenous population first.
We can't be all things to all people.

As for flags, try telling the French to take down their flags!!! They fly theirs from most public buildings and why not?
I am honestly sick of being told to shut up..I am not racist...I embrace my fellow they white.. green...

What I do object to be told to shut up..(because it's racist!) and I can't actually put forward my point of view..

Is it because I's white??..
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10-05-2014, 07:23 PM

Re: I am voting UKIP..does that make me a racist?

I know what you mean and I refuse to apologise any more for what happened many years ago when we were supposedly a great power. how long can you continue to be sorry for something your generation didn't actually do?
We have done a lot of good in this world and it's high time we celebrated that instead of constantly doing ourselves down.
You have an opinion, lilac, as important as anyone else's and should be entitled to voice it without fear of being labelled racist.
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10-05-2014, 07:29 PM

Re: I am voting UKIP..does that make me a racist?

My Maltese neighbours are voting UKIP. They both said they are fed up with immigrants - they reckon we are too full already.

And yes, I'm voting Ukip too and I am not racist - just disillusioned.
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10-05-2014, 07:39 PM

Re: I am voting UKIP..does that make me a racist?


Not just voting UKIP makes you a racist - although it would be hard to deny you aren't one given your recent post in the Jeremy Clarkson thread - you said and I quote:-

"Yes..I remember it well..Indians sitting cross legged in the middle of the pavement..playing cards.and.blowing snot out of their noses..taken off by their hands and then splatted into the road. "

How can you post that and then deny being a racist. Comments like that in my opinion is why you should just SHUT the F UP!

Originally Posted by lilac ->
I am honestly sick of being told to shut up..I am not racist...I embrace my fellow they white.. green...

What I do object to be told to shut up..(because it's racist!) and I can't actually put forward my point of view..

Is it because I's white??..
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10-05-2014, 07:42 PM

Re: I am voting UKIP..does that make me a racist?

I'll vote for UKIP too. If nothing else, hopefully it will send a strong message to the government that they should look after the interests of Britain first.
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