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27-01-2012, 12:05 AM

Re: Why Ignore?

Originally Posted by suey ->
I myself have never even looked at the introductions I now realise I should and I would like to say sorry and hello to whoever has joined after me ...I have been on a few forums and this one is the nicest one I have found in attitude to other folks on here ...Time is the biggest factor I have in replying to posts and I hope you will all accept my apoligies if I don't reply to any replies made by any of you as no slight is meant...
Good thread Bonny as it has made me think....
Originally Posted by Gabi ->
I too am guilty of not going on the welcome thread. I'll try to remember to say hello to newbies like myself but I never thought I was doing something wrong.
Originally Posted by Gabi ->
Well I've redeemed myself and been caught up on the ones who joined after me. I'm not saying I'm going to do them all but will if I remember.
Originally Posted by poppycock ->
I never look at introductions and when I read the forum if Im not interested in what someone is talking about then I dont join in. I find some people boring others might find them fascinating. I think the point of a forum is to discuss and I only discuss if interested. Its not real life I havnt joined here to make new friends I have loads of them in reality I joined because Im interested in some of the topics and no other reason.
Originally Posted by mesco m ->
I don't consciously ignore people, it's not in my nature. What I do is cherry pick, so to speak, about what post I join in on. I don't see the point of posting on threads that I know nothing about.
Originally Posted by Brandykins ->
I too am guilty of not going onto the New Members thread of introductions - and apologise for it. I did so when the forum first opened but have been lax of late. I don't go into members profiles unless I want to send them a message!
Originally Posted by Antibrown ->
Bonny, it is very rare that I acknowledge any new comer s introduction post. Not because of not wanting to welcome them but because I was brought up never to trust anyone until they prove that you can.
There are so many trolls around the forums just waiting in prey for Naive people.
Originally Posted by orangutan ->
As others have said, I am guilty of not going to the introductions forum. Mainly a time thing, but also I guess I just join conversations here if the topic interests me. And I'm often away from this forum for weeks or months at a time. Yes, if someone says something that strikes a chord or, conversely, really annoys me, I may look at their profile, but that is usually to try to understand the poster a bit more.
Maybe in future I'll look at the introductions thread rather than the profile.
Originally Posted by Bridie ->
I realised the other day that I always miss the birthdays on here because I usually come on here and go to the new posts for quickness and the birthdays dont come up in it so sorry if I have seemed rude in the past by missing them, I didnt realise til I caught one by accident last week.
Some people are appologising for not posting more frequently or in certain threads and I don't think they should need to. Members are free to post or not as they please and shouldn't feel guilt or under any obligation to post in any thread.

Once people feel under an obligation to post it can become a chore and they cease to post at all.
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27-01-2012, 12:20 AM

Re: Why Ignore?

Originally Posted by Meg ->
Some people are appologising for not posting more frequently or in certain threads and I don't think they should need to. Members are free to post or not as they please and shouldn't feel guilt or under any obligation to post in any thread.

Once people feel under an obligation to post it can become a chore and they cease to post at all.
Totally agree Meg as ive tried telling some of the Poster's.The trouble is there is a fine line between making people feel unwelcome and just not posting because of reason's as above.
This Thread just asked a question and I stand by what I asked as it goes on as was establised by other Posters..On the other hand I'm sorry if it made any Member feel uncomfortable as that was not it's intention.
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27-01-2012, 10:24 AM

Re: Why Ignore?

I only post to a Thread when I know a bit about the subject or I have a point of view of my own to put forward. It's easy enough to ignore a person on a forum if you get a bad vibe from them or you simply dont like them. I'd just not add to any thread they posted, no point in starting a row because you don't like them. I seldom go to the Introduction Thread either, no reason just don't seem to find myself there.
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27-01-2012, 02:27 PM

Re: Why Ignore?

Originally Posted by White Raven ->
I only post to a Thread when I know a bit about the subject or I have a point of view of my own to put forward. It's easy enough to ignore a person on a forum if you get a bad vibe from them or you simply dont like them. I'd just not add to any thread they posted, no point in starting a row because you don't like them. I seldom go to the Introduction Thread either, no reason just don't seem to find myself there.
The Vibes....yes I do know what you mean there WR and although we have never met that person and have just seen a couple of posts they may have done some do get those Vibes I guess and could explain alot.
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27-01-2012, 07:44 PM

Re: Why Ignore?

I dont like this thread at all infact I dont like all the questions that seem to be being asked of people its relentless-what, why where, sorry but I will talk about my life if and when I feel right to do it. when I joined here in August it felt very different than it does now. I feel some days that we are being given the third degree this is why I rarely post I dont like answering personal questions its intrusive and well to be honest rude.
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27-01-2012, 08:17 PM

Re: Why Ignore?

I don't think anyone goes out of their way to ignore anyone else here... unless they have a good reason to (usually based on that member's previous conduct).

Most people here are friendly, and if you post something engaging you will surely get a reply. You have to put yourself in the shoes of the reader - if you were reading what you're about to post, do you think it would entice (or even inspire) a reply?

With regards to intros, we'd never expect every member to reply in intros threads every time, but what happens is _enough_ people do when and as they get time or feel like.

The most important thing I'd say to any newcomer in any situation (whether in real life or the internet) is first to see if people look and seem nice and genuine, if so, then you have to look at yourself, and be (and act like/post like) a person that others will want to engage with - rememebr that few people have the time and effort for people who are miserable all the time, or those with bad attitudes, or attention seekers, etc etc. That is the secret to making new friends imo - be a person that others will want to be friends with
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27-01-2012, 08:20 PM

Re: Why Ignore?

Originally Posted by poppycock ->
I dont like this thread at all infact I dont like all the questions that seem to be being asked of people its relentless-what, why where, sorry but I will talk about my life if and when I feel right to do it. when I joined here in August it felt very different than it does now. I feel some days that we are being given the third degree this is why I rarely post I dont like answering personal questions its intrusive and well to be honest rude.
From an admin's perspective we never expect people to do anything (apart from abide by our rules). So long as people are not being myschieous, we understand that people use forums for different things - some like to chat (a lot! lol) some like to get involved in debates, some like to lurk, some like to be there for others, etc everyone's different and that's completely fine

I always say to people don't worry about what others are doing (unless they are breaking rules) you use the forum for what makes *you* happy, and let others do the same. With that said I think this thread is done. Closed.
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