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07-09-2011, 08:44 AM

Re: Wee Tomatoes.

Our tomatoes have given us bumper crops this year.

We have Alicante, Plum tomatoes, Cherry, Gardeners delight all of which have been producing fruit since June, they are now coming to an end, possibley another two weeks but they have been delicious.
Jenilou is offline
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07-09-2011, 10:44 AM

Re: Wee Tomatoes.

Originally Posted by Antibrown ->
Our tomatoes have given us bumper crops this year.

We have Alicante, Plum tomatoes, Cherry, Gardeners delight all of which have been producing fruit since June, they are now coming to an end, possibley another two weeks but they have been delicious.
Mine too! In all the years I've been growing, I've never seen anything like it. Plants absolutely dripping with toms with no sign of abating. I've got several varieties too and every plant has absolutely thrived. Likewise courgettes - which have also given me a bumper crop this year and are still going strong.

I grow everything in pots (no beds) and in the past have had a real problem with squirrels as my garden backs onto a wood. I would look out of my back window and there would be a squirrel looking back at me, sitting there with one of my tomatoes in his mitt, biting on it like an apple. I kid you not! Then it would decide it didn't like it and chuck the tomato with the bite out of it on the ground. I'd go out and there would be loads of bitten tomatoes all over the place.

But this year, they seem to have left me alone for some reason and I've had less problem with slugs and other pests.

The other day I picked every courgette I could see, even though they were small, and thought that would be the end of the crop .. but I've just been out this morning and they've sprouted half a dozen more new fruit on each plant.

I wonder what is is about this year that has meant we all seem to have such bumper crops?
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07-09-2011, 09:18 PM

Re: Wee Tomatoes.

Yes, it is strange Jenilou.......we have a second crop of strawberries appearing!

We have a blueberry bush and must have had around 5 fruit off of it.......the rest were eaten by birds yet they didn't bother with it last year.
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08-09-2011, 07:23 AM

Re: Wee Tomatoes.

Jenilou, I dont know about you in the south but we have had warm and wet weather for most of the year, as plants need moisture and heat to grow I think it has been the perfect season for them.

The nieghbours have shared our Lettuce, Tomataoes, Cucumber, Radish, Spring onions which have all been in constant supply since June.

All our garden plants have grown enthusiastically particularly the Conifer hedge which has needed trimming twice this year.
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